Calculator with Variables

By allabtech, 6 March, 2025

iOS and iPadOS

Hi everyone,

Are there any calculator apps for iOS that support variables to solve for X faster?
I know Desmos is one but that's not what I'm looking for.
I would appreciate any ideas.



By Michael Feir on Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 18:22

First of all, check out the calculator app which Apple includes. It's received substantial improvements and can handle variables. Also, you may want to look at Pcalc. It's a very powerful calculator app mich may stil put the Apple calculator to shame. You can buy its capabilities in modules or just pay around $13 for everything.

By peter on Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 18:22

The Desmos calculators are made accessible to the blind. They have a free graphics calculator as well as a free scientific calculator for iOS. They also have a web interface for both calculators. See:
The Desmos calculators can save values to variables that can later be used in expressions and evaluated. I don't think they solve symbolic equations though.

There are also various calculators for doing symbolic math on iOS devices. For example see "Super CAS" on the app store. These calculators will solve symbolic equations.

Also, if you need to do sombolic math, look into the free Maxima program. This is a sophisticated program for performing complex sybolic manipulations as well as performing complex numerical solutions.

Lots of options out there depending on your exact needs.


By Nils on Friday, March 7, 2025 - 00:22

Maybe Soulver is an option. It‘s more like a notepad for math. It‘s more capable and predictable than Apple Notes‘ new math features.