Are there any apps which will let me create and play music with a bluetooth keyboard?

By Diego, 9 January, 2018

iOS and iPadOS

Does anyone know of any instruments app that I can play with my apple bluetooth keyboard?



By Sabrina on Tuesday, January 30, 2018 - 05:14

The only one I can recomend is Symphoni. I wish Thumb Jam and Garage Band had that.

By Diego on Tuesday, January 30, 2018 - 05:14

Hello Guys!
I installed the simphony app, but I could not play the instruments with the keyboard. What can I do?

By loriblanco on Wednesday, August 30, 2023 - 05:14

Hello, I suggest GarageBand, only up, FL Studio Mobile, KORG Gadget, NanoStudio 2, you can try them out!

By Maria on Friday, January 24, 2025 - 00:14

I cannot get direct touch to work correctly with VoiceOver and if I turn VoiceOver off I have a hard time knowing where I am so am thinking of either a mini controller or if there’s a way to play Virtual Instruments with a Bluetooth keyboard if I was to buy a media controller. How would I know which ones were Accessible? I am in Australia.

By Khomus on Friday, January 24, 2025 - 02:14

There's the Korg Nanokey Studio, or the Korg micro Air, if you want actual keys. Garage Band for Mac has what it calls musical typing, where you can play notes with computer keys, but GB for iOS doesn't include it. There are a few other midi controllers with Bluetooth but I don't remember what they are offhand. The Roland Go Keys probably has it.

The other alternative, if you really want to just use a computer keyboard, would be try yelling at Apple to add musical typing to the iOS version. I honestly don't know why it's not there, there are a bunch of keyboard shortcuts so they clearly expect somebody to use a keyboard with it. I will say that with a computer keyboard in particular, you're going to have to quantize a lot, because you'll get delays between hitting the key and the sound being triggered.

I get it if I try using musical typing with my iClever Bk-10 which is what I'm using on the Mac Mini. It's just inherent in Bluetooth I think, there's just some lag. Plus, if you're at all serious, you'll probably want some sort of actual musical keyboard anyway.

You don't get a ton of velocity control, contrast between loudness and softness based on how hard you hit a key, with a computer keyboard. In fact, I just checked, so let me correct myself, you get none at all. For some instruments that won't be so much of a problem, organ does dynamics either by a volume pedal or by adding more sounds, but piano uses key touch for that kind of thing.

By Brian on Friday, January 24, 2025 - 02:14

I think I said this elsewhere, but GarageBand on iOS is a little buggy at the moment. It doesn't seem to allow you to adjust values on sliders, such as page values, etc.
Just a heads up on that.

By Khomus on Friday, January 24, 2025 - 06:14

I'm pretty sure it let me adjust stuff last time I messed with it, maybe about a month ago.

By jim pickens on Friday, January 24, 2025 - 09:14

A slight correction on musical typing. As far as I know, you can use V and C to adjust velocity. V increases it and C decreases it. Z and X to shift octaves, and3 through something like 5 or 6 to use the modulation wheel 1 and 2 to pitch bend up or down, and TAB to sustain the note. Not exactly convenient or easy, but it's there.

By Brian on Friday, January 24, 2025 - 14:14

Don't really know when it started, but it is happening for me on version 2.3.17.