apple intelligence, will it worth upgrading?

By Ramy, 20 February, 2025

iOS and iPadOS

Hello all:
As i have an Iphone 13 pro max, with 83 batter life, thinking to upgrade to anewer phone,
but the question is, do Apple intelligence worth upgrading?
for all here that are using it, do you fiel that you have something makes your life easier as a blind person?
Frankly, this is all my ideas now is to get sometihng that makes my life easier.
Waiting your opinions.



By Holger Fiallo on Thursday, February 20, 2025 - 16:09

For now is OK but nothing to write home about it. With time, it will be so. Apple always release something late but when it is out is good. AI will be integrated with all the apps and you will be able to take advantage of it. I went from 13 pro to 16 pro max. I will be able to use AI for the future. Is an investment for AI with apple.

By sockhopsinger on Thursday, February 20, 2025 - 16:09

It is purely a subjective question. What some may consider upgrading for may not be as important to someone else. It is all dependent on you and whether you feel from reading about the features that it could be worth it. If you want a personal opinion, I do not think it is worth it.

By PaulMartz on Thursday, February 20, 2025 - 16:09

The one Apple Intelligence feature I use most is telling SIRI to ask ChatGPT something. The other Apple Intelligence features are not particularly useful to me, and because I don't use them very often, I find them challenging to access.

There are other reasons to upgrade your phone. The iPhone 16 models all feature the action button. This is a truly useful feature. I've configured mine to record voice memos.

By Holger Fiallo on Thursday, February 20, 2025 - 17:09

Most over looking what Apple is going to do with it. They focus on what is now and not using them. AI will intergrate with all Apple apps and third party apps. Look beyond now and future. Is an investment. Better have it now than needing it later.

By sockhopsinger on Thursday, February 20, 2025 - 17:09

That is true, but is also worth thinking about using your current phone as long as possible to see what AI will do in the future and then upgrading once your old phone is on its last legs. That way you won't rush out and upgrade now and then hear about some crazy new awesome feature that comes out in a year or two and then feeling obligated to upgrade yet again.

By roman on Thursday, February 20, 2025 - 17:09

Hello. I would not upgraid if I were you because the AI is not as use full as they have marketed.

By SeasonKing on Thursday, February 20, 2025 - 17:09

Just recently, Apple was in news for delaying the AI features they promised a while back.
I would rather prefer they internally refine the feature and release it to masses later in order to avoid that feedback cycle and what not.
I honestly don't use much of Apple inteligence features that much despight owning a 15 Pro Max. Siri is mainly used to enable/disable hotspot or any other phone feature, or making calls. I don't ask factual questions that much to any voice assistant. And I have trust issues with Chat GPT's knowledge and it's ability to make up things out of thin air while sounding very confident.

By Holger Fiallo on Thursday, February 20, 2025 - 17:09

Well at the end of the day, you need to do what is best for you. If you want to get a new phone think about what is coming and not on what people say about it. You know what is best for you and not the peanut galary.

By Ramy on Thursday, February 20, 2025 - 18:09

Tu for all ur replys,
Yes, i know that will may increase in the future, but do not want my phone to be very old to get some money of it while trading or selling it.
Thanks again

By Remy on Thursday, February 20, 2025 - 18:09

I have not found apple intelligence to be anything to write home about just yet. As has been previously stated, it is in its infancy and will likely get better at some point. I do think getting the 16 would be benificial for future proofing, and for when it does become useful. I have a 15 Pro Max and find some of its features, such as pointing my finger at text to have screen recognition read it rather helpful. It's slightly faster than my 13 was, but honestly I wish I'd waited before upgrading to a 15 pro and gotten the 16 instead.

By Brian on Thursday, February 20, 2025 - 19:09

Right now Siri plus ChatGPT is the only truly useful utility of the Apple Intelligence suite. Will it get better in time?
Should it be a factor in deciding on upgrading your iPhone?
Probably not.
I do agree with Paul Martz on the action button. That one feature is incredibly useful. You can assign so many applications to it, it's ridiculous. For the ((incredibly) brief time I had an iPhone 15 Pro, I had a shortcut that allowed me to make the action button my home button.
True story.
It worked rather well.

Bottom line, upgrade your phone because you need to, but don't upgrade your phone just because of Apple Intelligence features. It's not really worth it right now, probably won't be worth it for another year or two.

By Ramy on Thursday, February 20, 2025 - 19:09

Totally agree after reading all your comments, however regarding the action button, should i assign more than 1 option to it?
i mean that i love using my silent button now, but also need to

By Holger Fiallo on Thursday, February 20, 2025 - 19:57

Action button. How? Would like to setup more than one. Right now I use it to open message.

By Gar on Friday, February 21, 2025 - 03:53

I can understand the appeal of upgrading sooner rather than later, but I look at it like this nowadays.
I buy an iPhone XR when it's first released. It's fine and works for me, it does what I need it to do. Then three years go by. I decide that, even though my phone still performs well and gets software updates, I want a new one, so I trade it in for an iPhone 13 Pro. In doing so, I would likely get less than half of the original value of the phone. Then, time goes by. I hear about Apple intelligence and, being me, I want the newest toys to play with. So once again, I trade in my 13 Pro for a 16 Pro. I get less than half the original value for that phone.
In effect, over the course of six years, I've paid the entire cost for at least one new phone between the two. However, if I wait for the XR to stop receiving software updates and just replace the battery as needed, no I won't get anything for trade in but I would likely end up saving money in the long run.
TL:DR: I think it's more economical to wait until your current phone breaks, or until the positive reviews really start to flood in, and Apple Intelligence starts to reach its full potential, which it currently doesn't, rather than trading in every few years. If the phone still works, I say, no sense in throwing it away. If you don't want to replace the battery, just buy a portable battery pack instead.
Also keep in mind that things like Be My AI and the ChatGPT app don't need Apple hardware, so you can still technically benefit from AI even though it's not available in iOS itself. I do think this will be good enough for most people while their older phones are still functioning.