Hi everyone, I am trying out the new zanagrams app. It seems very accessible, however if I misspell part of a puzzle, how do I get the letters to no longer be dimmed when I clear it? I can’t seem to figure out how to start the puzzle over. Has anyone figured this out? Thank you.
Zanagrams Developer
Hey Juliette! My name is Zach, and I'm the developer of Zanagrams. Pressing the 'clear' button removes one letter group at a time. So, if you have three letter groups added to your spelling, you'll need to press it three times to remove all of the groups and make their buttons usable again.
I'll make this more-clear in the next update, but I'm currently unable to work on Zanagrams because of technical/accessibility issues (I'm completely blind), with Apple's developer tools.
In the meantime, I hope you're enjoying it. If you are, please take the time to leave a rating and review in the App Store, because that helps boost Zanagrams in the App Store's search algorithms so that Zanagrams will appear higher in people's search results.