Is there an accessible app for playing Go?

By Gabriele Battaglia, 7 December, 2021

iOS and iPadOS Gaming

Is there any accessible app to play Go?



By Chris on Friday, December 24, 2021 - 22:16

The only accessible Go game I'm aware of is from the QuentinC online game platform. If you're using iOS or macOS, you'll need to access it from a web browser.

By Gabriele Battaglia on Friday, December 24, 2021 - 22:16

Hey thanks a lot.
It was a wonderful discovery.
I've never heard of an accessible app to play Go.
They did a great job on the Saloon. And I also notice they give the opportunity to play chess against Stockfish, which is the most strong chess engine all over the world.
My congratulations to them.

By Ashleigh Piccinino on Friday, December 24, 2021 - 22:16

Are we talking about the game that John Nash came up with so many years ago, found in the book "A Beautiful Mind?" Remember that go had all those stones, I think black and white stones, they were. From reading a bit of that book, found on BARDMobile, it's pretty hard ... it seems with all the math stuff.

By Gabriele Battaglia on Friday, December 24, 2021 - 22:16

Hello and sorry for delay of my answer.
I think so as I don't remember that moove.
Go is a unique game, very very well known especially in Korea, China and Japan. It is played over a goban, a 19x19 grid with blacks and whites stone. The black goes first and it is a trun based game. The goal is to close an area with your stones. Once do that, all the anemy stones inside that area are captured. So simple, so hard.
It is considered more complicated than chess which is absolutely the most complicated game of the universe. HIHIHI.