Seeking feedback and suggestions for the Blindfold series of iOS games

By KidFriendlySoftware, 13 November, 2015

iOS and iPadOS Gaming

Tennis is on my list of games. Would people want the game to use arm movements like the Wii, or use your finger on the screen?

Also, are there any other games or suggestions that you have for the Blindfold series of iOS games?



By Clare Page on Wednesday, November 11, 2015 - 19:17

If you do develop a tennis game, can we have the choice of whether to move our whole device or just move our finger on the screen, please? We already have that choice in Blindfold Breakout, and in Blindfold Pong as well if I remember right, so if it's also possible to have such a choice for Blindfold Tennis, that'd be great. Having the choice of just using a finger means that we can play the game in a more confined space, or simply if we're better at judging how big our movements are on the screen rather than in the space around us. That's my two cents' worth on this question, but others may have a different opinion, of course.

I would like the option to play it either way, as in your other games. I don't move my phone around much. I play the games with the phone on the table, stationary. I feelit's safer that way, as my house has no carpeting.

By Saqib on Wednesday, November 11, 2015 - 19:17

In reply to by charles

Hi. I would prefer the finger movement as I don't like swinging my devices around because it is safer to play games this way. Low vision users wouldn't be able to see the screen if they were swinging their devices but I suppose you could make this feature optional.

By Krister Ekstrom on Wednesday, November 11, 2015 - 19:17

Hi, I really love air Hockey, it's addicting to say the least. I have actually managed to win a match or two and think i have found a bug in the process. On my machine, as soon as i've won the game the game proceeds to put in another coin so that i can play again, that doesn't happen if i lose.
When it comes to swinging or swiping, i actually prefer the finger movement. I noticed that in Air Hockey i could choose either to move my arm or move a finger on the screen and i didn't have to do anything in the settings, that's good.
And now to the suggestion: Is it possible to have a "blindfold Pinball"? That would be just awesome in my book. Eversince i was little i have always been fascinated by pinball machines although i couldn't play it with any success. I just hammered on the flipper buttons and hoped something would happen, so a pinball in the blindfold series would be soooo cool.

Yes, I will do pinball. I am working on skee ball now and will transition that to pinball in a month or so. Relating to the coin, I suspect you are swiping up from a prior action, and it thinks to start a new game. How do you think we should change that?

I use the swipe up motion to play again in all the games, so your suggestion should be slightly similar.

By Clare Page on Wednesday, November 11, 2015 - 19:17

To get back to Blindfold Air hockey, after commenting yesterday that I was incapable of scoring a goal in the tutorial level yesterday, I tried the easiest of the proper levels last night(, and did much better: of course that may change when I start playing against more skilled computer opponents, but at least I now know that my aiming to get the puck in my opponent's goal is nowhere near as bad as I feared it might be. As for other game ideas, I agree it would be great to have a pinball game and a tennis game in the future: thanks in advance to the devs for those!

By Saqib on Wednesday, November 11, 2015 - 19:17

Hi. With the tennis game! May be have it as a tie-break situation such as playing up to 7 points. Again a selection of computer players with different abilities would be a good idea. As for further suggestion for future games! How about Blindfold Penalty Shootout where you have 5 spot kicks each just like the rules in football.

By brandon armstrong on Wednesday, November 11, 2015 - 19:17

hi, heres an idea to make this series of games really fun. I would like instead of having to pass a phone between two people, I would like to see the ability to play people online in realtime through game center. we have Game Center on our iOS devices, so why can't this series of games take advantage of that option so we can all play online to see how good we are? as far as low vision users go, I'm sick of all the griping about how some of you are ignored when it comes to iOS.

By KidFriendlySoftware on Friday, December 11, 2015 - 19:17

In reply to by brandon armstrong

That's planned, but not soon. There are 2 ways to do multiplayer games with gamecenter. One is turn taking and I've built the interface for game center for that, and its being tested with crazy 8 and wildcard. The other is real 2 player live playing. However, the problem with both are that I have so few blind or low vision people playing the games, its unlikely you would find someone to play with. So, keep telling everyone you know about the games, so it becomes cost-justified to build that. Thanks.

By charles on Friday, December 11, 2015 - 19:17

In reply to by KidFriendlySoftware

The name "blindfold air hockey" indicates that there is nothing visual, and that you must play the game using your hearing rather than your sight. I am a totally blind gamer, and feel that being able to see the puck, or whatever object you must manipulate into a goal or specific area of the screen, such as in "blindfold breakout", would give a sighter player an advantage over the blind player because you can see to aim, or you can see where an object such as a puck or a ball is heading and judge, by eyesight, where to go to and where to hit the object. Partially sighted players would have an advantage in this series of games. I, personally, would like to have an even playing field by eliminating all visual cues. Whoever plays the game, regardless of the amount of eyesight they have, would have to play the games by listening. I can see the visual effects as a tool for game development when testing the game's behavior to ensure accurate performance, but think that the visual cues should be removed from the game before release. Again, these are just my personal thoughts as a totally blind gamer.

By KidFriendlySoftware on Friday, December 11, 2015 - 19:17

In reply to by charles

I've had comments from both sides on this issue. This deserves a blog write-up. Firstly, sighted people don't play the game unless you specifically show them the game,and ask them to play with you. Secondly, sighted people are really bad at playing audio games; your audio cortex is far more developed than a sighted person's audio cortex. The reason to leave the screen on is for people with low-vision. I've received many emails thanking me for letting them game be accessible for low vision players, since they use a combination of sight and sound. I suppose I could add a setting option to shut down the screen, that could be turned on if you have sighted friends to compete with.

Your games do have the visual cues so that sighted players can play them. I feel that they would have an advantage in head to head competition. However, here's one that I don't positively know the answer to: The scenario is this: A friend is at my house, and we start working with Blindfold Bowling" The two player method and difficulty is chosen. On my iPhone 6, I have the screen curtain turned on. Do they see nothing?? Also, is there any change in game performance with the screen curtain on or off?

By Krister Ekstrom on Friday, December 11, 2015 - 19:17

I just can't wait until the pinball game is released, that will be awesome. Wonder if it would be possible to let the stereo sound reflect how the ball moves so if the ball comes rolling nearer the left flipper, the sound would be more to the left and so forth. Hope you catch my drift.
A suggestion about earning coins especially in Air Hockey and the like: Would it be at all possible to give you rewards for winning a match, say 2 coins for very easy levels or games and increasing with 1 coin or something if you win dificult level matches or something along those lines? And in Breakout you could earn coins for getting a high score? Is this idea totally dumb or is there some value in it?

By Krister Ekstrom on Friday, December 11, 2015 - 19:17

Someone here mentioned Space invaders, and sure that would be cool, maybe i don't think i have played that title at all. This had me thinking of other arcade games. Would Blindfold Pacman work at all? Would it be at all possible to translate or how to put it Pacman to an iOs environment?

a space invaders type game has been done, though I don't think it's in the app store anymore.

Also, Game Center support wouldn't necessarily mean online competition, though that would be cool. What about leader boards and achievements. I like being able to see how I stack up against all my friends who play a game. Achievements I.E. win a game against every opponent, win a game without giving up a goal, provide some replay value since they give you some additional things to do beyond just playing the game.

As for future game ideas, I'd be interested in a match 3 game like candy crush or jelly splash. Games like that have been all the rage on smart phones among sighted people, and it would be neat to have a game like that for us. It has been done on Windows and OS X in the form of Change Reaction, but Draconis seem to have disappeared. I was holding out hope that they might figure out a way to bring that game over to iOS.

I just submitted a new game which includes 2048 and threes. How would an audio verison of candy crush work?

I just submitted a new game which includes 2048 and threes. How would an audio verison of candy crush work?

By Bingo Little on Friday, December 11, 2015 - 19:17

In reply to by KidFriendlySoftware

I really enjoy playing these games. I haven't downloaded this one yet, but will do when I get the chance. The reason I'm commenting now is because folk are making suggestions for future games: speaking purely for myself, I would love to have the option of playing what we might call mainstream sports games. So rugby, cricket, golf? I feel a bit bad making these suggestions without having any idea of how they would be implemented, but golf in particular I think would be doable, and cricket likewise. rugby might be more of a challenge, but wow what a game it would be and I can assure you that under my stewardship England would not have made the crazy decision not to kick for the three points againts wales and would as a result have progressed further in the recent world cup! Very glad to see tennis on the list, but my advice would be not to make it artificial. What I mean by that is: give us the chance to play three-set matches and five-set matches, not merely a tie-breaker scenario.

Absolutely, these mainstream sports would require a familiarity with the rules and the rules in cricket in particular are complicated, with rugby not far behind. One way of doing it, assuming this developer is sighted, would be to play an iPhone rugby game that's already out there (one for the sighted I mean) and use that as a starting point.

Pitching and bowling are very different. I think the art of bowling is a lot more varied although I don't know a great deal of pitching. It's also fair to say that the rules of cricket are more complex than those of baseball, but a baseball game would be a good starting point. again, there are cricket games for the iPhone for sighted people out there, so you have the model already. I'm a big fan of blind people being able to play mainstream sports games like this and it's always been frustrating to me that I can't spend the afternoon winning the rugby world cup, for example. However, my talents lie elsewhere and so therefore in my hands this idea is just an idea and I don't have the creative knowhow to get it off the ground.

By Travis McCauley on Friday, December 11, 2015 - 19:17

If you could make an audio version of Candy Crush, that would be great.

By kool_turk on Friday, December 11, 2015 - 19:17

Is it possible for an app to detect voiceover?

If so, you could have the graphics desplay only when voiceover is turned off.

You could also have that as an option.

There use to be a game called freeq, not sure if that's the correct spelling, that particular game had a gesture you could do to turn on accessibility mode.

I think you simply had to do a pinch, while a reverse pinch would turn accessibility mode off.

Back then, I don't think developers had the ability to have their apps detect voice over so they had to improvise.

In my experience, sighted people also wouldn't want the game constantly talking to them so I'd probably have an option to turn speech off.

Of course, if it is possible to detect voice over when the app is first launched, you wouldn't need to worry about it.

Cricket and golf would probably be doable, just take a look at how the late Jim Kitchen did his baseball and golf games.

Of course, for cricket and rugby, you would have to be familiar with the rules.

Cricket could probably work similar to Jim's baseball game for the batting part, I'm not really sure about the bowling part, perhaps similar to the pitching part?

I'm not really sure if there is a difference between pitching and bowling, anyone that's familiar with both cricket and baseball care to explain that one?

For golf, you could just do something similar to Jim's golf game.

By Borostar on Friday, December 11, 2015 - 19:17

Hi. I would prefer to play these games with both the display and Voiceover turned on. By turning Voiceover off! We could be missing out on information or further prompts.

By KE7ZUM on Wednesday, November 11, 2015 - 19:17

Game center would not work. Remember we'd have lag and most users, myself included do not want this options and as for your griping on iOs, you do a lot to, so don't preach to the choir about that.

seriously? I'm sorry if you are one of the users who have lag, and honestly, I'm just about tired of how you act like your this huge hardcore gamer, when quite frankly, I'm pretty sure you haven't touched a gaming console in your life. I think game center is needed for these games. I'm sorry folks, but having these games have no way to play online to me is just so boring. I want online play, so let's please make it happen. honestly, right now, with out online play, these games are just time wasters with no replay value in my book.

Actually I used a game console when one of my family remember was here. I hated it and will never touch one. I like to play by myself and like to compete with myself not millions of people like you. That was last year. Some aname game. I also used to play nentendo in the 1980s and early 90s and thought that was just boaring as well. No I like games like break out by myself and stuff like that. IN fact I've thought of removingv myself from game center as for me there's no point.

Take care.

That attitude is very harsh, indeed. There is challenge to these game, and that challenge is to get good at playing them. Beating your last attempt is a challenge. Just because you cannot play as you once did, using a game console, does not, or should not, detract from the game. Being able to do so in the future will be an enhancement, but should never be considered asthe main factor of the game's attraction to gamers. Would you be interested in a poor game that is able to be played online rather than a good one which cannot be played online? I'll consider the game first, then the connectivity. Take bowling as an example. You do have a challenge to attain a high score regardless of how many bowlers there are, one or 10. Although group participation is more fun, it does not detract from the game's value. To demand that the developer adds what you want immediately is very unrealistic, given the time, effort, and expense of doing so. If there are enough people playing the game to ensure that you can just about always find someone to play, I can see the value of implementing this method of play in the future, but not until such conditions show the necessity for the addition.

seriously? I'm sorry if you are one of the users who have lag, and honestly, I'm just about tired of how you act like your this huge hardcore gamer, when quite frankly, I'm pretty sure you haven't touched a gaming console in your life. I think game center is needed for these games. I'm sorry folks, but having these games have no way to play online to me is just so boring. I want online play, so let's please make it happen. honestly, right now, with out online play, these games are just time wasters with no replay value in my book.

Actually I used a game console when one of my family remember was here. I hated it and will never touch one. I like to play by myself and like to compete with myself not millions of people like you. That was last year. Some aname game. I also used to play nentendo in the 1980s and early 90s and thought that was just boaring as well. No I like games like break out by myself and stuff like that. IN fact I've thought of removingv myself from game center as for me there's no point.

Take care.

That attitude is very harsh, indeed. There is challenge to these game, and that challenge is to get good at playing them. Beating your last attempt is a challenge. Just because you cannot play as you once did, using a game console, does not, or should not, detract from the game. Being able to do so in the future will be an enhancement, but should never be considered asthe main factor of the game's attraction to gamers. Would you be interested in a poor game that is able to be played online rather than a good one which cannot be played online? I'll consider the game first, then the connectivity. Take bowling as an example. You do have a challenge to attain a high score regardless of how many bowlers there are, one or 10. Although group participation is more fun, it does not detract from the game's value. To demand that the developer adds what you want immediately is very unrealistic, given the time, effort, and expense of doing so. If there are enough people playing the game to ensure that you can just about always find someone to play, I can see the value of implementing this method of play in the future, but not until such conditions show the necessity for the addition.

why should it be, we just have blind and visually impaired people play these games? apple clearly lays out how to put game center support into games, and other app dev have done this, so let's please have game center support. I'm tired of games that have no replay value just because a select few, just love having no online game play and claim that game center lags for many users. heres a bit of advice, if it lags on your phone people, get a better connection, or get a new phone. plain and simple.

I would very much like sighted people to play these games. The simple fact is, they don't play audio games. I've spoken with several other game developers for the iphone and they have observed the same results. Of the hundreds of sighted people who read my blog, or I have shown the game to in person, less than 5 have downloaded it onto their own phones. There are two reasons: firstly, sighted people fail at most audio games. Second: sighted people want their eyes to be entertained more than their ears.

Actually I used a game console when one of my family remember was here. I hated it and will never touch one. I like to play by myself and like to compete with myself not millions of people like you. That was last year. Some aname game. I also used to play nentendo in the 1980s and early 90s and thought that was just boaring as well. No I like games like break out by myself and stuff like that. IN fact I've thought of removingv myself from game center as for me there's no point.

Take care.

I would very much like sighted people to play these games. The simple fact is, they don't play audio games. I've spoken with several other game developers for the iphone and they have observed the same results. Of the hundreds of sighted people who read my blog, or I have shown the game to in person, less than 5 have downloaded it onto their own phones. There are two reasons: firstly, sighted people fail at most audio games. Second: sighted people want their eyes to be entertained more than their ears.

By Igna Triay on Friday, December 11, 2015 - 19:17

In reply to by KidFriendlySoftware

Just for curiosity, why? I mean, Audio games can be much more immersive than visual games. This is only my opinion, since I am totally blind.

By KidFriendlySoftware on Friday, December 11, 2015 - 19:17

In reply to by Igna Triay

I fully agree with you. But sighted people never trust their ears. Their audio cortex is far less developed than a blind person's. I've collaborated with a few audio therapists who are looking at some of the games to help sighted people who have auditory processing issues use the games as part of their therapy.

By KidFriendlySoftware on Friday, December 11, 2015 - 19:17

In reply to by Igna Triay

I fully agree with you. But sighted people never trust their ears. Their audio cortex is far less developed than a blind person's. I've collaborated with a few audio therapists who are looking at some of the games to help sighted people who have auditory processing issues use the games as part of their therapy.

By kool_turk on Friday, December 11, 2015 - 19:17

I tend to agree with the developer when it comes to sighted people playing audio games, of course, you do get the occasional exception.

I introduced my nephew to audio archery, which is one of the easiest audiogames to play and he actually managed to get archery master.

I guess if that person is actually interested, they'll play, but most, unfortunately aren't.

What annoys me about audio games is the lack of graphics, it's just some boring logo on the screen.

If more games had some decent graphics, then perhaps, there would be more sighted people interested in audio games.

I need to get new hardware so I can't test the later games, I've only played blindfold racer cause that's all my device supported at the time.

If all these games do have graphics, I might just spread the word.

Hi. Having the option of turning the display off is a good idea as I would play with the screen turned off if I was playing against a totally blind person but I do prefer the display to be turned on if I'm playing on my own. Screen curtain will also do the job equally. I'm not bothered about Game Centre as I play these games for my own enjoyment. It's the sort of game you would play on a long train journey and simple games are addictive and I hope one day we will see Space Invaders in the Blindfold Games list.

By siria on Friday, December 11, 2015 - 19:17

Hi! I'd personally love to see breakout improved... My sighted friend used to play anodia, and it had some special briks that changed the dimensions of your paddle, gave you points or things like this. In my opinion, that's why lots of sighted don't play audiogames. They're too repetitive. Why should I spend time learning Blindfold Breakout when I have a similar game with visuals and, most important, a more advanced gameplay? The same thing goes for blindfold opper... Why not making an endless level, where you have endless crocodiles, flies and eagles instead of just 4 maximum? I prefer to play a game really well done, then to have 6 7 choices with just the basic gameplay. Don't take it as a criticism, it's just my personal opinion and I love your efforts for our comunity!

By TamagotchiTune on Friday, December 11, 2015 - 19:17

Is there any way of making a touchress game? Not sure if i spelled that right but i always wanted to play that and actually know what im doing. also PackMan and Candy crush games would be cool to.

By Rob on Friday, December 11, 2015 - 19:17

I would like to see tennis, but played over three or five sets rather than a tie breaker situation.

Packman would also be good.


By meowmix2005 on Friday, December 11, 2015 - 19:17

how about an option for both? Also, I've tried to turn repeating of unspoken messages, off, but it refuses. Running an iphone 4 with ios 7

By ming on Friday, December 11, 2015 - 19:17

I hope it will have some exciting shooting game in the future....

By chad on Friday, December 11, 2015 - 19:17

hi i would like to see games come to the apple tv and have wii movements

I think you mean tetris. . Its a game where new shapes of blocks arrive at the top of the screen, and you must fit the shape into the blocks below. For example, the shape of a T could be inserted into an open single block space using the base of the T, where the top of the T is flat, an then the single line shape, made of 3 or 4 blocks in a row, could be rotated so that it is horizontal and rests on the top of the T shape. Or you could rotate the row of 4 blocks to be vertical, and fit 4 of them next to each other. It's quite a visually oriented game. If someone can think of an audio equivalent, we can collaborate.

By KidFriendlySoftware on Friday, December 11, 2015 - 19:17

I was looking at bejeweled yesterday, which is similar to candy crush, but less complex. Has anyone heard of that?

By KidFriendlySoftware on Friday, December 11, 2015 - 19:17

In reply to by chad

That may come in the future, but it's not cost-effective to create these games until the TV is much more popular with visually impaired gamers.

By TamagotchiTune on Friday, December 11, 2015 - 19:17

Thats how its spelled haha. thanks. i remember trying to play that game when i was little because i had family that played it. I always liked the sounds and wanted to play but know what im doing instead of pushing buttons and guessing.

I've heard of Bejewelled, as it's one of the few games my sighted Mum plays. I don't know much about that game, though, except that it's very visual, so I can't guess whether it would be possible to make an audio version of it, even if it's less complex than Candy Crush.