Blindside for iphone 4s won't run?

By gazza, 21 December, 2012

iOS and iPadOS Gaming
I just downloaded blindside for the iPhone 4s and it won't run but just keeps telling me to tap top of screen to resume, bottom screen for options and middle but no amount of tapping will wake up the thing! Any suggestions? As I guess if I delete I will have to pay again to download and try again.



By Bahzad on Sunday, December 23, 2012 - 23:01

Last summer I downloaded Blindside On my iPhone 4S, but I never encountered any difficulties. I'm aware that iOS six has issues with games, So if you're running iOS six, that could be the Center of the problem. When I played it, I was using iOS Five. I never had to pay for an application if I wanted to reinstall it, So you could try to reinstall the app to see what Happens.

By Nancy on Sunday, December 23, 2012 - 23:01

I also have this game on my IPhone 4S that runs IOS 6.1. Turn VoiceOver off when you start the game and it shoult work fine. The game gives instructions so VO isn't needed. HTH. Nancy