blindfold word games,s till bugs, in iPhone5

By Siobhan, 22 January, 2016

iOS and iPadOS Gaming

Hi all. To Kid friendly software, you did say the bugs would be fixed, yet still on an iPhone five, not the S series, the bugs still exist. Let me explain in case I wasn't clear the first time. Last night after I updated I played Hagman, this seems to happen in Hangman as that's the game i play most often. I missed a word by two letters, and i was presented with the game over screen, swipe up with three fingers, oen finger to keep playing. Again, as I played, the next word, whether the word is large or small, the letters I've aleady used in the previousround are unavailable until I play a letter like Q, then A B C, etc are available. Hope this makes sense, is anyone else using an iPhone five and having this? Btw, I only hear the word if I win, not if i lose the game. Now if that's a feature, that's fine, but when i miss one that i'd like to know hwat it was, a little frustrating i can't do that.
