Virtual reality headset rumor

By Tree, 6 May, 2022

Apple Hardware and Compatible Accessories

Hi. I know this is decades away, and this is my first post by the way, so I’m new to this. I’ve been hearing Leakes about the VR headset, the AR or VR headset, virtual reality headset that Apple‘s about to come up with, supposedly to replace the iPhone. Do you really think, they’re actually going to replace the iPhone? And if they actually did that, let’s say they did that, would it have anything to do with Accessibility? Because so far I’ve seen nothing regarding voiceover on those headsets or nothing like that i’m even hearing they’re gonna come up with glasses like that as well



By Apple for all on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 - 07:49

Hi Tree, to be honest, I've been hearing about these leaks regarding Apples AR and VR headset and glasses, and I have to say, there was no mention of VoiceOver and accessibility. its worrying, as I use my iPhone for everything, and I wouldn't want to use a headset or glasses for everything. there's also roomers that you'll be able to control the device using gestures too. for me, I wouldn't want to do that, as to me, it seems stupid. I really hope they don't stop making the iPhone. if you have any concerns, feel free to email Apple accessibility regarding this. what's more worrying about this is the first iPhone didn't have VoiceOver on it, and I'm worried that the same things gonna happen on the headset and glasses. the iPhones changed my life for the better. before the iPhone, I couldn't talk to friends and family independently. thanks to the iPhone, I'm now able to do this. I also use my iPhone to do my YouTube videos as well. I don't think they'd get rid of the iPhone, but its hard to say, and with these leaks going around, it does make you think and worry. but if your worried, email Apple accessibility regarding this.

By Tristo on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 - 07:49

From the little I've heard about the Apple glasses, they are not accessible. As for the VR, i would love it if it was accessible, but I'm notsure how that would work. Asfor it replacing IPhone, I think you'll always have people who stick with IPhone. Also, I can't see Apple discontinuing IPhone even if the VR headset replaces phones because even though Apple will make money from the headsets, they will Lose money from not selling phones.

By OldBear on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 - 07:49

Most of what I come across relating to virtual reality is regarding a visual experience and a tiny bit of haptic. I don't recall anything about audio being included. None of this is actual virtual reality as far as I'm concerned, like calling mono audio a surround sound experience because the audio can be heard from all points in a room.
I don't know how a sighted person is going to interact with these glasses. Perhaps the device has some sort of proprioception with a pointer or the finger of the wearer. In that case, It could be made accessible like the screen of an iPhone. People walking around waving and pointing at nothing will become common place, like seemingly talking to oneself while ignoring those around you has.
Now if they could tap into my visual cortex, maybe I would get excited about this pseudo-virtual reality. Or even if those retainer-like things that electrically project images on the roof of a blind persons mouth became available/affordable and were adapted to this.

By Apple for all on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 - 07:49

I'm seeing all these roomers on 9to5 Mac and websites like that. although some of you might like apple to bring out a headset, I wouldn't. AR and VR isn't accessible to the blind from what I can see. reading these leaks and roomers ar quite worrying if I'm honest. yeah it might not happen, but then again, it might. if apples gonna release this product, it needs to have VoiceOver on it. the first iPhone didn't have VoiceOver on it, no one wants to be faced with that again. yeah some of these Leakes sound cool, if it was accessible, but I don't want them replacing the iPhone with a headset. I know facebooks bringing a headset out, witch to me is stupid.

By Siobhan on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 - 07:49

Ok so there are rumors. You're making mount everest about sketchy rumors. Of course they are rumors, how else are the marketing and media outlets making money? They generate enough interest, so Joe Public will purchase the headset the moment it comes out. That means there might be bugs, that might mean a high price until the demand slows. that might mean the first generation isn't accessible, so what? You don't hear about accessibility at all in apple's keynotes or WWDC because they don't put a big spin on it. It makes me wonder what the internal team really do except close their eyes, screw around for ten minutes, ship it off to Quality control, done! Remember the first Apple watch? Someone obviously never tested it when using a wheelchair or they wouldn't have been so stupid as to not release an accessible workout that they can use. Apple's bottom line will always be, money. Why do you think we pay over a thousand dollars for two pieces of glass, hoping apple will make us buy the upgrade program, because i gotta have that new phone next year, even though this one is working just fine? I'm not an apple hater, I dislike rumors and people worrying that until we have solid information know absolutely nothing, just chill out. Now if apple makes a wireless charging mat and stops screwing around with other bigger better, faster stuff? then I'll be a little happier.

By Apple for all on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 - 07:49

people are aloud to worry. to be honest, I love my iPhone, I use it for everything, even for my YouTube channel. so to hear that Apple are looking to replace the iPhone with the AR or VR headset at some point is quite worrying if I'm honest. I do agree though, I hate roomers too, and they should be stoped. if I'm being honest, I didn't know that the wheelchair workout wasn't built in the first apple watch. that's what I'm talking about, accessibility needs to be built in straight out of the box. it goes back to my point, VoiceOver needs to be built in from the start. if its not, that's a problem. we shouldn't have to wait for the next generation of the product to be able to use it.

By Apple for all on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 - 07:49

that's true, its just roomers. but still, I feel that accessibility should be mentioned too. the thought of wearing headsets for everything sounds crazy haha.

By Tree on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 - 07:49

In reply to charlotte: yeah, it may be decades away. But the thought of it it's just completely scary. I mean, I feel, since there was no mention of VoiceOver, I feel like I'm going to have to go back to all the way when I was 10 years old. When I received my first cell phone which was a flip phone, I had to rely on my dad to help me make calls, or I have to be top one specific button that calls him specifically. And my blackberry smart phone I had to rely on this thing that said hi how can I help you, call Mom. Calling Mom. All I could do is make calls and rely on everybody else if I want to listen to music. If I ever wanted to do something like go on Facebook, again, I had to rely on my parents or my siblings. And now, ever since I discovered VoiceOver, the iPhone has changed my life and transformed my life completely as a blind user. Needing nobody's help for no one, doing everything on my own. Including iPad and Mac and everything else. And I feel like those virtual headsets all of us are gonna have to go back to square one. I really really hope, that it is accessible, plus imagine how weird we're gonna look, walking in the streets and wearing these things in our head?

By Tree on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 - 07:49

The only reason why I'm worried, I mean I get your point with the glasses, if you FaceTime a friend, somebody cited a friend or family member, because I don't really have too much sighted friends, you FaceTime somebody yeah they would be able to tell you what's on the menu and everything else and you don't have to worry about positioning your camera, I'm just worried these glasses won't have Voice over since there was no mention about it. I don't wanna have to rely on a parent, or a sibling to help me FaceTime or nothing like that. And plus, my issue with these glasses, what if we bump our head into a pole. It could break. Unless there's some protective cases for these glasses. And as far as the headset, virtual reality doesn't make any difference for us visually impaired people I believe, AR and VR just makes no difference. So hopefully it's accessible. Plus, it's not gonna be the same, I prefer to hold a handheld device, or even where my device in my wrist, but on your head, face, or anything like that? It feels very silly. I mean I know there are pros and cons, Ira made glasses like that but you have to pay, to have somebody help you and at least you won't have to do that with these other glasses but still. I just hope they're accessible

By Tree on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 - 07:49

You speak my mind. I agree 100%. Exactly my point. Remember the beautiful days where our parents would tell us that someone's calling us on the good old house phone. Remember those lovely days, if someone had a message for us we would have to be told? The golden days of you not feeling like speaking to a certain person but yet you don't know who's calling the phone you answer the phone and it happens to be that person you don't really want to talk to, and you have no choice but to talk to them? Thanks for the iPhone, we don't have to do any of this. None of it at all. Just like the golden days, needing dad and mom's help, mom and dad's help come up with everything to stay in contact with our friends. Thanks for the iPhone we don't need all that either. It has changed my life for the better, just look at it this way, if they really did this and it has no voiceover, it'll have a psychological damage effect on us, because we were once able to navigate the world independently with it, and now we can't. No offense, but it's not a big deal to those who weren't born and didn't grow up with iPhones, they might be used to it by now. I never liked having to rely on my parents, at all. People that grew up in the payphone ages, are not gonna see a problem with it. I love my iPhone and it does worry me. Eventually when I get out of my Chi comfort zone I will email Apple Accessibility. Because this cannot be happening. And just because it was a rumor, who is it to say that it's not gonna be true? Look at the iPod yesterday, bye-bye. We don't wanna have to say that to the iPhone

By kool_turk on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 - 07:49

You're all worrying over something that is mostlikely decades away.

When the iPhone first came out it wasn't accessible, but when it was, it was done right.

I say let the early adopters have their fun.

I for one, am in no hurry to jump into the metaverse.

If I really wanted to, I'd have another crack at Second Life, not that my first attempt was all that exciting.

Sure, hearing your surroundings is great an all, but it doesn't help the experience if you can't see.

By OldBear on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 - 07:49

You would think if they can come up with a VR headset that's so powerful and perfect that they could just cancel producing all other Apple devices, they would be able to come up with AI good enough to manage accessibility. AI that can actually recognize the icons and either describe them or figure out what they do in real time without depending on a network connection, along with more detailed picture descriptions, etc, AI that liberates accessibility from its dependency on cooperative developers and website designers, who often don't know, don't care and, in some cases, are hostile and malicious toward accessibility.

By Apple for all on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 - 07:49

yeah, them days where we wasn't able to use our phones independently, and things like that. I didn't like that. bear in mind though, technology has gotten better since them days. but still, this is still worrying. if its accessible, great, but if its not, that's an issue. like you said, the iPod got discontinued, witch is a shame. so that could happen for the iPhone, and that would be a shame. like I said, email Apple accessibility regarding your concerns. even know Apple haven't even said anything about this at all, just hearing about this on websites is still worrying, and annoying. I say this, if its not on the Apple newsroom site, its not true. but some of the Leakes in the past have been correct. so its hard to tell what's true, and what's not. all I'm saying is, I don't want to be faced with VoiceOver not being built in from the start until the second generation of the product. the first iPhone was like that, and yeah it didn't bother me then, as I didn't own an Apple product back then. but it does bother me now, as I use Apple products and I love VoiceOver. the iPhones changed my life too, and there awesome. so as long as voiceovers built in from the start, its all good.

By Tree on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 - 07:49

Sorry for saying decades. Perhaps you're right it's not even decades anymore. Since people already talk about it, it is just rather worrying. It's like imagine everybody boycotting Apple because nobody wants these virtual headsets, except for people that don't really affect blind people, people like the people from the side of generation it doesn't affect them, but it has a great effect on us. And honestly I just never ever think anything is as perfect as the iPhone, the iPad and the Mac everything else we've got, virtual reality headset will not be perfect at all. Not even at all. I don't wanna be walking with things around my head or ears, all the time unless they're my AirPods when I'm listening to music. I mean what are we supposed to say, headset, call Mom. Headset, call dad. Glasses, call mom. Or hey Siri call dad. Something like that, on our heads and people are gonna think we're just talking to ourselves. It is worrying now that it's not decades away then, every reason to worry

By Tree on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 - 07:49

My point exactly. Glasses are not accessible at all. Virtual reality, seeing things in VR is still something to make a difference for people who are visual. Or AR. I don't think it would make a difference for us at all, because regardless, no mention about Accessibility. So I hope they put these virtual headsets with VoiceOver or at least Siri if not everything, or voice control, even though it would sound so silly. Headset, play music, do this do that do this. It would just seem very silly walking around with a headset on our head, talking to the device, other people will look at it as talking to ourselves like we're out of our last mind. So you're 100% correct, glasses are not accessible, and I hear rumors about Facebook, making glasses like that, again, it is not gonna be accessible at all. That's what I think

By Tree on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 - 07:49

I hope they would make some of these glasses, like the screen of an iPhone so we can touch it. Or if not the glasses the headset. Yeah pointing at nothing? People who would look at us that don't have these headsets are gonna think about that's crazy, they were pointing at nothing. Even though two of his current places because of virtual I meant to us its common places because of virtual reality. But still, I will always keep on saying this, it will look really silly to wear these funny things in her head. Yeah I don't even know how excited person would have to be able to navigate through their glasses either like that, or through their headset, what are they gonna be able to see behind their head? I guess with virtual reality you never know. But all that doesn't even matter to me, what matters the most to me is Accessibility and Voice over, and I hope it will be usable. I don't wanna go back to the very old days, of having nothing and depending on people

By Tree on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 - 07:49

Exactly. there are some people who are happy about the headset. Some people might say we are just being negative about it. But in reality, all we care about is accessibility, and that is that. I am not excited at all. Its like I feel like protesting to apple not to do this

By Tree on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 - 07:49

The way I see it, if people want us to stop worrying about it, here's what to do, the news just needs to stop putting up all these rumors and leaks about these virtual headsets, this is the only way you and I can stop worrying about this but we can't, it's not our fault that we were born blind, and that the first iPhones did not have anything to do with Accessibility and we had to rely on our family and friends. I don't wanna go back to page One or square one. It's like, going to college and then going all the way back to nursery school or preschool. I don't want that at all, the rumors and Wicho is worrying us

By OldBear on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 - 07:49

Don't get too twisted up in worry there. The world of accessibility doesn't usually regress in that way for the long term... unless it's due to a catastrophe. You can use an old NASA approach of no single point of failure to manage anxiety over changes, and sometimes catastrophes, the reason I've learned multiple operating systems.
So a future Apple CEO of the "profit is the only purpose" ilk decides that accessibility is cutting into the till, and makes all apple products required to be inaccessible. Apple phones are not the only accessible phone. You might not like the other phones as much as an Apple phone, as far as accessibility, but you still have an option until Apple share holders are upset because US government contracts and device usage are being canceled over this new anti-accessibility policy, and stocks are taking a hit, or not. So why not look into the other phone systems and get a feel for their accessibility usage, gestures etc.

By Apple for all on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 - 07:49

I agree, I get what you mean. all you can do at this point is email Apple accessibility and explain to them your concerns. even know there just roomers, and Apple haven't said anything regarding this, its still a good idea to make the accessibility team aware of your concerns. I don't like this either if I'm honest.

By Apple for all on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 - 07:49

exactly. don't get me wrong, some leaks about apple products are cool, and some are not. but I do agree with you, the leaks regarding VR and AR need to stop.

By Apple for all on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 - 07:49

I get what your saying. to be honest, I did google the accessibility features of android, and I have to say, reading them, I didn't understand them. I prefer using voiceover if I'm honest. VoiceOver seems so much easier to use. in my opinion, iOS is better.

By OldBear on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 - 07:49

We're worrying about a dystopian-anxiety-nightmare where Apple discontinues all devices except a teapot you wear on your head and is intentionally inaccessible to blind people. You have to use one of the other phones if you want to use the phone. Or... you could worry about if all technology is made intentionally inaccessible to blind people--I mean, we've already put one foot into the deep end, why not leap in...

By Apple for all on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 - 07:49

to be honest, I wouldn't wanna use another phone, as VoiceOvers great, and it works well for me.

By Tree on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 - 07:49

I didn't get to get to you on time madam, because I was replying to everybody else, and there's a lot of comments to look through, but I finally got to you now, if this was a platform like FB or something like this, I could speak my mind and say whatever the heck comes to my head, but this is the website of the moderators and everything else, so I'm gonna have to just take my champagne glass and hold my cool inside of the glass. But let me explain something missy. So, the reason why we worry, is because who isn't to say that these leaks and rumors yeah they're right now they're rumors but who is it to say they won't come true? Look at this, the apple rumors of the iPod being discontinued, guess what? Wala Wala. The iPod has been discontinued ladies and gentlemen. Do you wanna talk about a wireless charging cable, guess what. Ladies and gentlemen drumroll please, clap clap clap clap clap clap, they're discontinuing that too because they wanna make the unthinkable, iPhones with USB see cable, starting in 2023. And I agree with you with the wireless charging part and my lightning cables and everything else, but they're about to discontinue that I think. They want a world of USB-C cables because apparently it "" charges faster. So who is it to say, that rumors cannot come true, yes I agree, rumors are only rumors but there are many rumors that do country. Ever heard the saying come up when you wish upon a star makes no difference who you are, anything your heart desires will come to you, the rumors are coming true, it's like the wish comes true. So, I don't need to be told to chill out, I don't need you to agree with me either, I don't need anyone to agree with me for that matter if they don't want to, but I don't need to be attacked either. But I'm gonna be a Christian and I'm not gonna attack anybody because this is not a platform to do that. I can argue my point about opinions, but there's a right way to go about it.. However I get your point about paying $1000 for two pieces of glass, and that is where I stand on.

By Tree on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 - 07:49

It's understandable going through the list of why they are rumors, but my thing is, if it's on 9 to 5 max yes it's on Mac rumors, but it's also a 9 to 5 Mac, it's also on patently apple, it's also on I'm more, and so many different Apple sites on the Apple news place. If it was only on MacRumors it would be easy to say OK, scary but OK it's a rumor. But if it's everywhere else, it's hard not to believe it. I'm even subscribed, or my partner is also subscribe come up to this YouTube or name Aaron Zolo, and he partially mentioned a little bit about it. If I can remember correctly. So that is alarming to me and that is scary and that keeps me awake at night. This is why it's hard for me not to believe it, it's OK if people think I'm naïve and I just believe everything, that's fine with me, been there. But, it's all over the news platform, and if it got announced in my local news on TV, I would really, really worry

By Tree on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 - 07:49

hahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaa. Oh my God oh my God somebody help me, I can't breathe, I can't breathe I can't stop laughing. That was funny. Panic button. Alert, you are currently panicking, are you sure you want to panic, OK button. There you go the panic button is not accessible. L O L. Oh shoot I got a notification of my Apple Watch, your heart rate rose about 120% for panicking. Please calm down. Well I can't calm down, because the Warriors piling up. Hee hee. L O L

By Datawolf on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 - 07:49

Lol, this happens when tech illiterate people find a rumor and go absolutly bonkers about it.
People, let's step back for a second and look at this hole thing.
Do you really think that Apple would just go and scrap all their devices for a metaverse with only a peace of hardware and a metaverse that is not even in it's alpha stages? Come on, be real for a second.
The fact that they, as someone said discontinued the iPod or the switch from Lightning to USBC can't even compared remotely to a VR headset or even a complete metaverse, given that, as an example, the EU put forward the regulation for a standard charging cable, apples switch to USBC was to be expected, also looking at the transfer rates of Lightning and USBC standards.

The problem on here is that many people know their little iOS bubble and walled off garden and instantly panic over some rumor that might not even become reality, just because advancements are made in that direction, doesn't mean that it will come into reality.
The VR headset, yeah, that will come out eventually and yes, the majority of things will be inaccessible if companys don't use the API or port their apps to the device, if that will be possible, noone knows these things yet.
But, untill these devices will reach a wider audience, there will be some accessibility in it. Think back to the appel watch, did you think that this would instantly become accessible? And see how quickly that came.

Get your pitchforks out, but I stand by this, to many people on here don't know enough about tech or how accessibility works to make a clear statement on the matter.

By Unregistered User (not verified) on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 - 07:49

The people on this website generally sicken me. Most can barely use their devices. They can barely spell. And they attack each other and pretty much everything under the sun because it doesn’t fit their specific thinking.

By OldBear on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 - 07:49

I was enjoying pondering how Apple could go horribly wrong for people who need accessibility on their devices, and the implications of everyone wearing VR helmets. I remember that love scene from the 1993 movie "Demolition Man," and people are still trying to figure out what was going on there...
That being said, there is also a rumor Apple will have an adapter for lightning devices to use with their USBC ports if and when they switch, just as they had the headphone adapter. I'm glad to have a suitcase full of superfluous adapters, I'm not joking, some thirty-five or more years old. Anyone ever hear of or use a null-modem serial cable, or an RS232 smart cable? So Apple will have some sort of teapot adapter for accessibility when they switch over, but maybe not for that panic button...

By Apple for all on Saturday, June 11, 2022 - 07:49

to be honest, when I hear about these leaks, I can't help but worry. I get what your saying, but the iPhone has changed my life. and the thing is, if they did replace it with the VR/AR headset, if its not accessible, that would be an issue. yeah its just roomers and everything, and it might not happen. but if it does, we need to make sure that its accessible. I new that the applewach would be accessible, as I've heard of talking watches before, so I figured the watch would be accessible. I love iOs.

By Apple for all on Saturday, June 11, 2022 - 07:49

your comments a bit out of order. this has nothing to do with the topic at all. your a bit judgemental. honestly, this websites about giving advice about apple products, not putting comments like you did.

By Siobhan on Saturday, June 11, 2022 - 07:49

Apple for all, you use IOS because you say it "changed my life", also something about how you've never used another operating system and to quote you again, "IOS is better." I say neither system is better because we don't want to learn anything but what's extremely comfortable and we don't want to adapt. I bring this subject up, when the apple watch came out the wheelchair users were left out for a time, as for 99.9 percent of them are unable to stand up. Apple did fix this, I blame their internal whoever the hell tests their software because even Sighted Joe Idiot should've realized that. we learn to figure out new ways of doing this to get the job done. I didn't grow up with a cell phone, and my first few I needed help contacting people. then the iphone was released and until it gained accessibility I had Mobile speak. I'm simply saying, you have to expect accessibility or lack their of in a first generation product. It's just how things are done. Flipping out over how someone looks because of what you wear on your head, they already look at us amazingly because holy crap, we can text?! We can take photos?! we can cross the street?! see where i'm going here? We are speculating over absolutely nothing that's true. as for feeling attacked, I'd honestly rather see well thought posts then, I'm scared, where's my teddybear? In all honesty, if you aren't willing to even go outside of your comfort zone, in any area, you have the cross to bare. I'm simply asking for a valid argument as to why it freaks so many of you guys out. I'd try it, provided I could buy it, give valuable feedback, increase the likely hood of adoption. Ok, you are worried what you would look like, I'm not. data wolf where've you been on so many topics like this? Congrats on a great post.

By Tree on Saturday, June 11, 2022 - 07:49

Oh no it sounds like we're gonna have to get our notebooks out, and are no takers out. This person is offended of how we spell and how we write. Can I borrow your pencil please? Oh I forgot I'm blind. Would you like to borrow my Mac? Let's take notes, what grade did you get, an F. Oh shoot, let me see, oh I forgot again I'm blind. Why did you get enough though, or apparently because a lot of us can't spell correctly. Oh no. Oh no, that professor who just criticized our spelling told our parents, run run run Apple for all, get the note that he just wrote, throw it away before your mom sees it. Because, obviously our teacher is upset at the spelling that we just made children come here, let me talk to you. Your teacher just called me and said that you had a bad grade, why did that happen? Sorry mom, my grammar and spelling is bad. Well you're grounded go to your room. Goodness big deal

By Tree on Saturday, June 11, 2022 - 07:49

Apple can do anything they set their mind to whether it's rumors or not. You would probably say back in the day, come on people, would they really get rid of the iPod, but look what just happened they just got rid of it. So who isn't to say that they wouldn't get rid of other devices to? Yeah they don't get rid of iPhones with HomePods, buttons because they make newer models that have the home button like the SE. But will they make a new model of the iPod, probably not. So if they can do that, they could get rid of everything else, that's why I can't help but worrying because the iPhone changed my life forever

By Tree on Saturday, June 11, 2022 - 07:49

Professor, I didn't mean to offend you please don't tell my mommy please don't tell my mommy. What on earth. This is not English 101 class, this is not literature. This is Apple this, and all of us are here to speak our opinion about what's going on with devices and devices in general, not to be corrected by Professor V, by our spelling. We're not taking an English course because I've already passed all my literature classes thank you very much. That comment was unnecessary

By Apple for all on Saturday, June 11, 2022 - 07:49

I agree with you on one thing, and thats, someone at apple should of built accessibility into the first applewach from the start, thats my point. and yeah, I said iOS is better than android, because in my opinion, it is. it has nothing to do with not willing to try different systems. I mean, I tried googling the gestures regarding talk back, and it went over my head. but iOS gestures? there easy to use and they are easy to understand. so yeah, I love iOS for how easy it is to use, and besides, its more secure than android. I'm not an apple fan boy by any means, this is just my opinion, and you don't have to agree with me on this. what I'm saying is, we don't want to be faced with the same problem we had with the first iPhone not being accessible to us, I don't want the headset having the same problem. no one should have to be faced with that in a first generation product. if sighted people can use it straight away, we can too.

By Apple for all on Saturday, June 11, 2022 - 07:49

oh wow, this is the funniest thing I've read on hear today. lol. this is just so funny. hahahahahahahahahaha

By Apple for all on Saturday, June 11, 2022 - 07:49

I read about that. these roomers are getting real by the second. people have the rite to worry about this.

By Pilgrim Pete on Saturday, June 11, 2022 - 07:49

This has indeed been a very strange thread.

For that very reason, it's one that I had been refusing to allow myself to be drawn in to.

That's until now, and that's only to make a comment on the accessibility of the first Apple Watch. It actually had quite good VoiceOver support, and there was everything to indicate that Apple had put a lot of time and thought in to this.

Sure, VoiceOver on the Apple Watch has evolved since - changing and gaining enhancements along the way. But, that's to be expected and what one would hope for. Heck, it's no different to watchOS itself and its mainstream features.

As for any Apple headset, if it's essentially little more than a visual display - intended primarily for watching media and playing visual games - there's a good chance that it will not have VoiceOver support. And, much like Oliver's Studio display, I wouldn't be upset by that. However, if it has AR capabilities, then I fully expect that the object, people, and door detection capabilities added to the Magnifier app over recent years will have had the headset in mind.

Interesting times ahead... particularly for those of us excited at the potential of what AR Apple glasses could bring to blind and low vision users.

By Siobhan on Saturday, June 11, 2022 - 07:49

You have the "right" to worry, I can't stop that, nor, can I stop the earth from spinning, us from dying, or resurrecting loved ones back to their prime glory days of health and vitality. Oliver, thank you for giving me a leg to stand on, we don't expect things to be accessible from the box for two reasons. First John public wouldn't think about losing his sight because, it wouldn't be on his radar. second and more importantly, We as a disabled community, whether or not visible disability, are not represented at all in these large corporate food chains. Let me repeat for those in the back? we. are. Not. Represented. That means until we get a fair assessment of blind people working in apple Google or God i hate this name, Metta, we will never have access to the inside job of quality control. As said before, wheelchair users, until people realized this, apple just went onto the next big thing, not caring the sub sect they left out. The headset is rumoring completion so hide under your rocks blindies that aren't early adopters. granted three thousand in U.S. or 2.9 thousand pounds in the Uk is extreme, expect bugs for the first generation. You think you see Model t fords around? No, because the automobile industry learned, changed. You can have your cake, just don't expect to eat it too. Besides worrying apple, give me a credible, fact based reason you are so terrified. I don't see it. At least there are some on here to can know a monitor isn't accessible.

By Just Another B… on Saturday, June 11, 2022 - 07:49

There are so many bizarre comments on this thread. But I would like to comment anyways.

1. There are plenty of blind and disabled people in Silicon Valley. You may not know them and you may think that they have no power. I also believe that no amount of argument will convince you otherwise. Just go ask Microsoft's Chief Accessibility Officer if she has any sway at the company.
2. People have pointed out that Apple discontinued the iPod Touch. First of all, that product had a lifespan of 20 years. Please show me a product in any industry that has that long of a run. Secondly, companies are in the business of making profits and when products are no longer profitable, they discontinue making and marketing them. Has anybody really suffered by the departure of that product? Are there really no alternatives?
3. Although my personal opinion is that Apple will not stop making phones, I'm pretty certain we'll all survive. Last time I checked there are other accessible phones for people that cannot access the screen. And there will be new products that give access to people with vision loss.
4. I'm feeling pretty optimistic that Apple will build a car at some point in the future. Can't wait to hear what you all have to say about that one!

By Tree on Saturday, June 11, 2022 - 07:49

Siobhan Siobhan Siobhan, oh what can I do with you Siobhan, oh dear Siobhan, please no one get Siobhan upset. Drop cover and hold. Are you really seriously making fun of Apple for all, for expressing his views of how iOS changed his life, for the record it changed my own life too. And just for your record, I myself, I don't know about anybody else but I myself have use other android devices and my own personal opinion they suck. My grandfather brought me an android tablet before, trust me typing on it is not the same as typing on my iPhone, I don't direct touch, it's helpful that I find whatever letter and then double tap on it. I am not good at positioning my fingers in a touchscreen, some people have thicker fingers and they may not be good at positioning in the touchscreen. People have to be very well oriented to find the buttons, and I can't do that. You can double tap on android for anything else but typing text, you can't. Or at least from what I've seen. Second of all there's no FaceTime on android, yeah there's other calling formats like WhatsApp and everything else but FaceTime is awesome in my personal opinion. That's why no one, or maybe some people are, and kudos to the people that are willing to do it right, but most of us, are not willing to use different types of phones like androids and other type of phones that talk, because in my opinion nothing is as good as VoiceOver.

For just like Apple for all, VoiceOver has changed my life as well. So of course I'm always gonna worry about Accessibility, even if somebody pointed a gun in my head telling me that if they worry about Accessibility, if I worry about Accessibility I'm dead, I would rather be dead than not to worry about it.
And I don't appreciate you bum licking other people either, it's OK to agree with them but that comment that was just said, gives me a description of bum licking. I'm not gonna say the real word on what I think, because it has a bad word and I don't want to say it. It's not the right place for me to do that, but you're technically bum licking somebody. It's one thing to tell them I agree with you but it's another thing to actually bum lick them.
That just shows a bullying attitude of cockiness and arrogance, and nothing but coldhearted ignorance.
There are other people that don't agree with me, but they have a right way of explaining things even if I don't agree with them. You on the other hand I feel like you're being absolutely disrespectful, cocky, arrogant, coldhearted, inconsiderate. And the rest is history that's in my mind that I wish to say to you because I'm not gonna say it.
All I ask is to respect our views, don't agree with our views you do not have to, but respect our views just like everyone else is doing, disagree respectfully like everyone else is doing, and quit coming out here attacking Apple for all because of his views. This is not an English class, were you were asked to use complete sentences, and "the words correctly, this is a website where we all want to express ourselves in a very professional standard manner.
All right, that feels good I feel better for speaking my mind, in a non-, bad word way. Now, again, as I say, you don't have to agree with me, but in my views Apple for all is correct when he says the iPhone and everything else has changed his life because he has transformed my life as well. I said I tried using all the androids, android tablet, I even had one android device called the braille note touch, and I couldn't even get a grip on it for one second, I tried and tried until I end up slamming the device because I couldn't get it.
So again, don't say what you don't know, yes there may have been people judging an apple before looking at the tree, that they don't like android and they've never used it, but I'm telling you someone like me has used it and I have every right, to say that I don't like it.

By OldBear on Saturday, June 11, 2022 - 07:49

You asked, so... I have a Special edition Franklin Language Master talking dictionary. It was grossly overpriced back in 1990 or so when I got it, and it is still made, still the same price--if I remember correctly--and still grossly overpriced. I guess that makes it extra grossly overpriced. But ya, not many product lines last very long nowadays. Apple does have a history of dropping accessibility with CEO changes. The early Apple computers I learned on had screen reading capabilities, but as far as I know the Mac did not have it long after those earlier models were discontinued. I heard Steve Wozniak in some interview somewhere say that it was wrong to take away a feature like that in new products.
The bizarre comments are what drew me to this thread. I probably made a few of them... Still here for the popcorn.

By Tree on Saturday, June 11, 2022 - 07:49

Months away? Oh no, oh no somebody get me a sick bag. This is not good. I really really really pray to my creator from above that this is accessible, I just hope in those years they don't replace iPhones at all. Oh goodness I thought it would be decades but it's coming months, it's coming sooner than we think, oh no I need a sick bag, this is really worrying, but if it's accessible, I can breathe in peace

By Tree on Saturday, June 11, 2022 - 07:49

Sorry about those bizarre comments lol. I know they're bizarre, I just think Chauvin out of all of them, is the most intimidating person ever that I have ever encountered in my entire 25 years of life. Everyone else is arguing in a proper manner, everyone else is agreeing and disagreeing everybody has their own opinion, but I think trying to explain to Shavon is like trying to explain to my school bus driver who won't let me get out of the bus with my grandmother just because she's not on the emergency list come up to even let me go use the restroom lol. Still here for the popcorn? May I get you some pretzels and nachos as a large drink as well? Lol. Yeah. I know it's a strange thread and bizarre comments, I guess we're just all trying to put our opinion out there but not at all are we trying to actually get somebody to take it really personally and attack us, or at least that's how I felt lol

By Tree on Saturday, June 11, 2022 - 07:49

You're right, this is a strange thread, due to all the comments there, but yeah exactly. I agree that there may be a good chance that the headset that has VR, visual reality, virtual reality stuff is likely not going to have Voice over. And that is what worries me and bothers me a lot. Because if Apple want to replace the iPhone in 10 years, using that, that's gonna be the most worrying thing ever. As far as the AR glasses, I mean I'll try to keep an open mind about it if it does have voiceover support, then you're right I can happily say it'll open new experiences for blind people, but if it doesn't, there's no use for me to be excited at all.
plus, I don't know if you herd, but even meta, which is a new name for Facebook want to make similar glasses like that. It makes me say, what's the meta with you lol

By Tree on Saturday, June 11, 2022 - 07:49

You see this is what I'm talking about, bum liquor. Bum licker, this is what you said, "Oliver, thank you for giving me a leg to stand on." That is the example of kissing, a word. Licking bum. That's all you can do is lick somebody's bum. Really? Is there anything else you can do better? However, I do agree that that new Facebook company name, I hate that name too, I agree with you. I agree, that we are underrepresented and that's why we should be represented more.
And that's why things should be accessible straight out of the box, so people could just stop under representing us. Because we wanna be treated like an equal like everybody else.

By Tree on Saturday, June 11, 2022 - 07:49

I was just on FaceTime with the user that has commented, in this thread, Apple for all, , and we were looking at 9 to 5 mack, , oh no sorry, he was asking Siri how long has the MacBook Air been around, compare the iPod that has been around for 20 years, and the MacBook. The Apple Mac. It's actually been around believe it or not for 37 years, it was around in 1984. That is the lifespan of Apple's oldest devices, and I yet still hope they continue to Mac, because it wasn't long ago where I graduated from jaws windows, to MacBook Air and oh boy, it was great breaking up with windows and I will never turn the page back, the Mac is my new home the Mac is the best computer on earth for me and I will stay there.
As far as Apple making a car, I'm pretty open to that as long as it's accessible.
And as long as there are no bugs like, you know iPhones and computers I could accept those having a software bug, but a physical bug, for us to get into a real accident like Tesla, I would not want that to happen, but if Apple did make an accessible car, I could easily say, forget over and everything else I'll just get me a car L O L