Using mFI Hearing Aids with iPod 7 and iPhone SE?

By Teresa, 9 January, 2021

Apple Hardware and Compatible Accessories

hi, all. I have Audibel 1000 MFI hearing aids. I just got an iPhone SE 2nd generation, and I love the way they work with it. I've seen settings for using audio handoff to have the source switched seamlessly between multiple iOS devices. I can't get this feature to work. Is it necessary to open the battery doors before transitioning to another device? I'm a little confused. Has anyone succeeded in using this feature? TiA



By Travis Roth on Wednesday, January 20, 2021 - 19:09

I've not gotten that to work. My recommendation is to use one device. If I really want to use another device, which does happen, I turn off Bluetooth on the currently connected device, before enabling Bluetooth on the next device. And to go back to the first device, swap the Bluetooth on/off settings all over again.
This will mostly work, however, the hearing aids can get confused, and rebooting them is often necessary as well.

By Teresa on Wednesday, January 20, 2021 - 19:09

In reply to by Travis Roth

Yes, I've been doing just that; mostly using my iPhone with hearing aids, since I've missed calls and notifications on my Android phone without the use of hearing aids. I'm hoping this will work in the future. I may take it up with apple Accessibility and see if they have ideas.