Using airbod 2nd Generation as A Hearing aid

By Ramy, 25 January, 2022

Apple Hardware and Compatible Accessories

Hello all:
I am using Phonak Hearing aids, and I wish to purchase airbods to listen to music in my free time, but i do not want to lose hearing to somethings that can happen while listening to music etc,
so, I heared that i can use my airbods as hearing aids, not all the time, but while using them, something to install on an Iphone or something, sorry can not explain will, but hope you can get my question,
Am asking before purchasing the Airbods 2nd generation,
Thanks in advance



By Siobhan on Friday, February 11, 2022 - 07:47

Would you mean Airpods pro? To my knowledge there's noise canceling capabilities you might be talking about. I have the airpods second generation using them now and I am not sure you can use them. don't quote me though because i don't have hearing aids.

By Rixon Smith on Friday, February 11, 2022 - 07:47

Coming from a person who uses hearing aids on a daily basis myself my opinion is that you should do as the subject Lying suggests and stream through the hearing aids directly. Beside your hearing aids are specifically tailored to your hearing loss itself. The airPods would not be. I hope this makes some kind of sense to you, hoping you also have success in this.

By Ramy on Friday, February 11, 2022 - 07:47

Thanks so much for your reply, and no am not talking about noise cancelation at all.

By Ramy on Friday, February 11, 2022 - 07:47

@Irxan :
I know for sure that they will not replace my Hearing aids, but i Streeme to my Hearing aid through A Streemer, from Phonak, And I tern it to mono to here the GPS navigation and so on when am in a street, so, need something that makes me listen to music great and also, if someone tries speaking to me at the same time, i can tern off music and listen to him without Ware my Hearing aids in this time