Talking Printer

By Marvin, 20 December, 2016

Apple Hardware and Compatible Accessories

Do anyone know of a talking printer? If so, would you please provide some information.
Thank you so much.



By JN.V on Wednesday, January 11, 2017 - 07:39

Why do you need a talking printer? Do you want a normal printer or braille printer?
I appreciate that anything with spoken menus gives a big advantage to blind and low vision users, but in my personal opinion a printer which talks is totally unnecessary. If something like that exists, you will probably pay a lot of money for it and it will probably be some old and outdated machine with outdated technology and drivers.

I personally use a Epson L565 ink tank printer, I use almost all its features print, copy and scan without any issues. I had sighted assistance poring in the ink and with the initial setup, but after that I was on my own. I use it on Windows, on my Mac and with my iPhone without any issues.

If looking for a specific feature in a printer, rather look for one which has wifi printing, it's very convenient to print directly from your iPhone or MacBook over wifi.

By thebigt on Wednesday, January 11, 2017 - 07:39

I don't understand why you would need a talking printer t. You can do most things such as print from the device it is connected with.

By Marvin on Wednesday, January 11, 2017 - 07:39

In reply to by JN.V

Nicolas thanks for your response. Happy Holidays.

By david s on Wednesday, January 11, 2017 - 07:39


I haven’t seen a talking printer. Sounds silly but someone once asked me why I needed a printer since I couldn’t see the results or quality of the print. Then they asked how would you know which side of the paper I wanted to scan if I couldn’t even tell which side had the picture or print I wanted to scan. I think it’s mentality like these is why printer companies don’t make printers with accessable control panels on them. The new models, like the kind we have., now has LCD displays. IF that’s not enough, there are layers upon layers of menus to select before it prints. Some older or inexpensive models may still have push buttons which will be better for the non sighted.

On the plus side, on our HP, the software bundled with it works with screen readers. The print works. The scanner part, you can insert the docs in the document feeder or lay it on the scanner, then open the scanning app on your PC and start the scan. IF you want to fax, you can either scan the document and save it to your PC. Then fax that file you just saved or any files you need to send out. As far as copying, I can’t just place the document on the printer and press copy as the copy menu has different sub menus. Instead, I use scan as described above to save the doc to my PC and print it out as needed.

So in a nutshell, look for a printer with push buttons or one with a good software package.

HTH and good luck.

By Dawn 👩🏻‍🦯 on Wednesday, January 11, 2017 - 07:39

Ok. I have a solution. From what Ive heard, Epson has information on accessibility. I'd go to There you'll get some information including an email address to contact someone who may be able to answer queries.

However, I have herd of a solution to problems with printers such as the panels. Use the software to print. Don't use the printer panel. Use the printer sofware on the computer.

I haven't heard of a talking printer (unless you count the embosser), but I have not heard of a regular printer like that. And I like to keep up on the techie kind of stuff. a: because I use it. & b: because Im a nerd & a techie

By Marvin on Wednesday, January 11, 2017 - 07:39

In reply to by Dawn 👩🏻‍🦯

Thanks Dawn things that sound silly have yet been invented. I will take your advise and look-in to Epson's support. Hopefully the remaining holidays will be enjoyable

By Brandon on Monday, June 11, 2018 - 07:39

I am looking for talking printers as well and here is what I have found:
The best seems to be Lexmark:
Followed by Cannon:

You can read a study on Accessible printers at:

Lexmark seems to be the best. I'm looking to see what the least expensive printer is, as they are all business printers and much more heavy-duty than I need.

By SoundSchemer on Monday, June 11, 2018 - 07:39

I am using a brother printer, with the iPrintAndScan app.

It's 100 percent accessible, and also free.

If you'd like a podcast demo of the printer and app, please let me know.

I think all of us who use printer and have issues with it because is not accessible and ask someone to help would like to hear about it.