seeking external microphone that can be used with Iphone on zoom calls

By alex wallis, 4 May, 2022

Apple Hardware and Compatible Accessories

Hi all.
I am wondering if I can get some advice, I am seeking an iPhone compatible microphone. The microphone must be good for picking up speech from a fairly far distance and in an echoing room. The situation is this, I am on a committee where 5 of us meet in person, but the minute taker joins us via zoom. So the microphone needs to be able to capture voices from different directions and fairly spread out around the room. Also we need to be able to hear the minute taker through the iPhone speaker when the microphone is connected. I have come across several before posting hear which actually disable output from the iPhone speaker when connected and this automatically rules them out as we need to hear both the minute taker and can't have VoiceOver being inaudible when we need to end the meeting.
any advice or recommendations would be greatly appreciated. I suppose I was thinking of us either being able to all wear collar mounted microphones or maybe some good free standing microphone, we don't really want to have to keep passing a microphone round the room just so the note taker can hear us.



By OldBear on Sunday, May 22, 2022 - 01:06

I'm going out on a limb here because I don't yet have the Shure MV88, but I asked here and was informed it does not cut out the audio. It would also do what you want with the polar patterns and sensitivity levels.
Connecting more than one microphone to the iPhone becomes more complicated, and would involve some mixing equipment and a line attenuation/headphone/mic splitting adapter and such.

By Travis Roth on Sunday, May 22, 2022 - 01:06

Hi, I know your knee-jerk reaction to the subject line, haha. Actually this is a category of Bluetooth speakers/phones though. And some are built exactly for the purpose you describe, with a speaker and multiple microphone array. I don't have one myself so can't advise on specific ones. Check out this recent article from CNET that reviews some for ideas: