Question About the Volume Level of the iPod 7th Generation?

By Steve Cullen, 19 May, 2016

Apple Hardware and Compatible Accessories

Hi Everyone,
Before I purchase an iPod. Here's what I want too know, Please keep in mind that I am hearing Impaired as well as blind. Any way I want too Know if the iPod sounds louder then previous iPod. Because with my current hearing I could not hear any of the previous iPods Through Ear Buds. with the way my hearing is. Thank You all very much for any help.



By david s on Saturday, June 11, 2016 - 07:51


This is odd. Earlier, another person replied to your post and now her post and mine are gone.

Anyway, no one can really say if the new version is louder than the older ones as we all have different hearing perceptions. What's soft to me may be loud for another person. Your best bet is to purchase the device from a retailer like Apple, that has a money back policy if it doesn't work out. This way, you can try it out in different enviroments and see if it works for you.

BTW, do you wear hearing aids? You might also want to check out made for iPhone hearing aids. They are discrete and works really well with IOS devices.

HTH and good luck.