not hearing sounds through phone speaker

By Nancy, 2 November, 2013

Apple Hardware and Compatible Accessories

Hi: I am not hearing any sounds through my IPhone 4S speaker. I was playing Solara with headphones on last night but when I went to play today without the headphones I didn't hear any sounds. How do I get the sounds to play through the phone's speaker? I am running the latest IOS version on my IPhone 4S. Thanks. Nancy



By MarkSarch on Monday, October 28, 2013 - 01:59

Hi Nancy This unknown issue I have seen several times on many iOS devices so it's mean who you don't hear any sound and voiceOver looks to be mute or the iPhone volume has gone. okay so following the steps below; #1 plug again the headphones as the only way you can hear voiceOver or sounds. if you have some third party earphones I suggest use the apple original who come with the iPhone #2 you can try to turn off the device but sometimes works doing this process but if you have passcode luck skeep this step. #3 bring the app switcher pressing home button double tap and hold and close all the apps who are running just follow the voiceOver directiones to close all of them or simple gestures using 3 fingers do flick up or using 1 finger flick down until reach close to then just press double tap on it. #4once have done closing all the app switcher press home button to back to the main screen #5unplug the earphones from your device and increase the volume #6 to have better resoults after hear sounds and voiceOver working again turn off the device to then turn on after 1 or 2 minutes later . I hope this helps.