My experience with the latest apple watch.

By Brad, 26 August, 2022

Apple Hardware and Compatible Accessories

I ordered an apple watch on my phone plan, (I pay off the phone and watch on the same carrier,) they had a deal, you pay 0 percent upfront and start paying on the next month I believe, I can't remember at the moment so I thought why not?

Keep in mind I had an apple watch first gen and didn't like it, I found it slow and clunky, I didn't think about that though, honestly; I'd forgotten I had ordered it when the watch came out.

The watch arived and I set it up, typing the numbers on the watch to pare it with my IPhone was a little tricky but after 5 or so atempts I got it.

Honestly? I'm not a fan, I find that the swipes and touches don't always register and that the experience is just as clunky as the S1 version.

I'm now tied into a contract with my phone carrier, I'm very blessed that I get enough money that I can pay it off with no issues in a couple of months but, if anyone is thinking of getting a watch you need to really ask yourself, what do you want it for and can you do the same thing on your phone?

I wanted it for counting steps, I just took a walk and realised I don't care about that as much as I thought I did, turns out you can do the same thing on your phone if you need it.

Before you ask why can't you return it; the boxes are now in the bin and I can't be bothered to get them out.

Over all, i'd have to give the apple watch experience a 2 out of 10, it's accessible and that's really all I can say about it.



By Holger Fiallo on Tuesday, September 20, 2022 - 19:50

Got the watch. I am able to text from it, send messages with Siri, check the weather using Weather Gods, set sleep on and off and check how much sleep I got, I check my osigent most times, Check the time by tapping twice with haptic, and so. Only issue is that if I am using my Air Pro with iPhone it will not go to watch similar to doing it with phone, iPad or mac.

By Unregistered User (not verified) on Tuesday, September 20, 2022 - 19:50

I bought it for fitness tracking and ended up using it as an always-on sound meter since I make music all the time. I think the most crucial aspect of the watch is having a desired use case before buying. Apple's been using scare tactics to make people feel like they're going to die of tachycardia or low oxygen levels or something unless they lay down 400 bucks right now. The reality is that it's a nice companion for your smartphone and can come in helpful in a few situations. I don't have to pick my phone off the charger to see who's messaging me. My phone can stay in my purse while I'm out and about. I can also pull up my mobile authenticator from my wrist which is just the coolest thing. One of the most helpful aspects as a blind user is that my notifications no longer light the screen up (and make Voiceover start chattering) every time a notification comes in. Particularly helpful when you're listening to something with the built-in speakers and don't want to flip the device face-down.

Overall, it's a nice-to-have device, but it's absolutely not necessary. It's the same way I feel about the iPad which is why I don't have one. I simply can't justify it. Who knows, I may cave in the future and buy one just because I think they're cool. Some people have a legitimate use case, and that's really cool. They'll get lots of use out of an iPad.

I have to agree that the watch setup experience is absolutely dismal. I have a Watch SE, and it took me 17 hours to get the thing up and running properly all because my phone was on a 5GHz WiFi network and my watch only supported 2.4GHz WiFi... or at least that's my theory. Hard to tell since the watch basically shrugs its shoulders and goes "something went wrong"

By Brad on Tuesday, September 20, 2022 - 19:50

I'm so glad for 14 day return windows!

I didn't pay anything and will probably end up paying 10 pounds or so to ship it back to o2, unless I can go to the shop...

I should really learn not to buy things just cause they're shiny, as it were.

My ps5 will be here in a week, let's see how long it is until I return it, haha, i'm not going to do that at all.

By Tristo on Tuesday, September 20, 2022 - 19:50

This is just my experience, but I've got the series 7 and I love it. I use a lot for workouts, but I baught the celular watch so even when my phone is at home, I can take my watch and still take and recieve calls.

By Maldalain on Tuesday, September 20, 2022 - 19:50

What Apple Watch series have you got? I had the Series 2 and it is on the edge of its life and I am thinking of upgrading.

By Brad on Tuesday, September 20, 2022 - 19:50

If you like the watch, it's probably worth getting but for me it's definetly not something I'll be buying in the future.

By Julian on Tuesday, September 20, 2022 - 19:50

When I got the original Apple Watch, even out of the box it seemed sluggish, and it didn't get significantly better with updates. When I got the series 4, it was much faster and remains snappy even with OS 9 beta. I can also say the same for the series 5. For me, the watch is a great companion to the iPhone.

By Dizno on Tuesday, September 20, 2022 - 19:50

If you do not live too far from an Apple Store
You have 14 days to bring it back to Apple
I understand you don’t have the box however they still will probably accommodate you in one way or another
Consider that if it has not been 14 days yet

By Holger Fiallo on Tuesday, September 20, 2022 - 19:50

Friend gave me the 3 for Christmas a long time ago, I got the 4 later, 6 and now 7. Only issue is that I have to take it off when I take a shower.

By Brian Giles on Tuesday, September 20, 2022 - 19:50

For me, it was all about the activity rings. I've never been an exercise geek, but something about being able to see my progress is motivating. I like how the challenges and being able to also follow friends kind of gamifies it. I

The notifications are also nice, but my other favorite thing about it is being to pay with my wrist. Although, sometimes it's not as convenient as just pulling up Apple Pay on my phone if I'm already using a restaurant app to scan a code.
I've tried to use my watch for sleep tracking, but I find it too uncomfortable on my wrist when I'm trying to sleep (regular sport loop here).

By Saj on Tuesday, September 20, 2022 - 19:50

Like some people have said, it’s not necessary to have the watch I guess if you are in the Apple ecosystem then you’ll enjoy it but if you have a phone then I suppose you don’t really need the watch as some of the features you can do on there as well but I find since I like running and tandem cycling For me it gives me the stats I like especially when using it with Strava and for me it’s a godsend but I do use it for other things as well but mainly for the fitness and listening to the radio stations for a short period but the battery is a lot better and with the fitness Mode you can block everything else coming through and it does extend your battery life since I have a series 7. Also gives you your heart rate which I find is pretty useful for when working out and then stopping.

By Brad on Tuesday, September 20, 2022 - 19:50

It's just not for me and I'm geting it returned next week. It's in the 14 day window so I basicly paid nothing for the experience.

By Brad on Tuesday, September 20, 2022 - 19:50

I'm glad you liked the post.