looking for a good mixer or a way to capture phone audio and my voice using an app

By Dennis Long, 17 September, 2023

Apple Hardware and Compatible Accessories

Hi, I have a very small corner desk so I don't have a lot of room for a mixer board. What I'm wanting is a good way to capture the phone audio and my voice. This would be so I could do app demos and the like. any suggestions is appreciated. Thanks.



By Chris on Monday, September 18, 2023 - 22:34

Start a screen recording and make sure your microphone is enabled. This should capture all sound, including VoiceOver. If you want to convert the video file to audio, I think you can do it using a shortcut.

By Adaria on Monday, September 18, 2023 - 22:34

Screen Recorder is the way to go, you can record video only or both video and audio, it will save it to your photos section and you can easily save that out to iCloud and pull it from there if you have it on your computer, or save it to other apps.

It is very handy and I've had to use it for work when testingmobile apps or sites. You'll have to convert with something like Pizera or something if yo uwant only audio, but if not, this option is golden.

Hope that helps.

By Andy Lane on Monday, September 18, 2023 - 22:34

While its a great option, its probably not perfect because when you enable the microphone, voiceover goes to the ear peace speaker only and its at the volume of a phone call which means you can’t hear voiceover easily. I would imagine headphones would solve this problem but I wonder if anyone has a more uncompromised solution to this. I’m sure others have used mixers etc as Dennis is looking for.

By Igna Triay on Monday, September 18, 2023 - 22:34

How do you enable the microphone while screen recording?
Another option would be to do it via your computer via programs like audio hijack, for mac and windows, quicktime, for mac, or reflector, that's via airplay, not sure if you can record both phone output as well as microphone with this last one though.

By Andy Lane on Monday, September 18, 2023 - 22:34

It’s one of the few options in the screen recorder utility located in control centre. If the utility isn’t there, you can add it.