Is it worth to switch from an iPad Air 4 to an iPad Air 5 or M1 or M2 iPad pros?

By Karina Velazquez, 19 May, 2023

Apple Hardware and Compatible Accessories

Hi there
i own an iPad Air 4 generation and yesterday was wondering if it is worth to change it to a M1 or M2 model, whatsoever iPad Air 5 or any iPad pro model, and I would like to know if voiceover users have any advantage using the M1 and M2 chips against 14 bionic.

I'm an average user and one of the main reasons I want to switch is because at this point I can still sell my iPad Air 4 on a nice price and still get a good deal on a new iPad Air 5, and I would like to switch because two of the corners and frame of my iPad were damaged by the stres caused by the Brydge keyboard clams (thanks Andy lane for the damage LOL), even when the damage is not really perceptible to sighted people, but I hate that touch on the frames of my devise.

Thanks in advance.



By Dominic on Sunday, June 11, 2023 - 07:38

Stick with the one you currently have. It’s not going to be worth it considering the fact that in the future another iPad Air might come out. Even though your iPad doesn’t have Apple Silicon processor, it’s still a marvellous machine that last you for a few more years.

By Holger Fiallo on Sunday, June 11, 2023 - 07:38

Those who do not have may not be able to use some of the apps that use it. Also is faster, and the experience to suppose to be much better. If you can get it, get one. If you have the money go with the m2. I am sure those who have one will tell you about. Forgot the pro speekers suppose to be great when playing music or movie on the iPad pro. If you do that it might help. Also will last you for more than 5 years.

By Andy Lane on Sunday, June 11, 2023 - 07:38

Not my fault. I was just trying to find a less expensive keyboard and was recommended the Brydge by someone else on here so if you need someone’s name to give to the Sinaloa Cartel then tell them to search AppleVis for Brydge IPad. We’ll get the appropriate peoples heads on spikes. Jajajaja and Lero lero. Seriously though, apologies, If it makes you feel any better I ended up with the same slight damage and buying the Apple Magic Keyboard too and Brydge are going into administration so the universe has made things right. I know someone with the a14 version of the iPad Air and My M1 Pro is quite a bit quicker. I don’t know if thats a good enough reason to upgrade but there may be a very good reason to upgrade which is that the M1 is 60% faster than the a14 and the M2 is even faster yet. I think it’s likely apple will drop the A14 as soon as they can so they can just support features for the more powerful M chips and not be held back by the A14. Don’t make any decisions on my say so though. I don’t want an entire Mariachi gang turning up at my house wanting revenge. P.S. I miss Mexico so much. Some of the happiest times of my life.

By Wenwei on Sunday, June 11, 2023 - 07:38

If you’re an average user — not really. I define average user as someone who consumes media, browses the web, checks email, and does casual to advanced work processing. But if you want to spend the money, then sure, go ahead. Biggest thing I appreciate about my iPad Pro is its size and the ability to process my script libraries more quickly.

By Karina Velazquez on Sunday, June 11, 2023 - 07:38

Dear Andy I don't have anything to do with any cartel, thanks God, so you are safe and sound. However, the Brydge stil is a nice luxurious accesry for my air 4, except for that clams issue.

Also I saw your comment about the same bryde-related damage issue in a post some weeks ago, and so I felt better knowing that it was not because my fault.

Now I think an iPad Pro m1 could be a better deal taking in account the speakers enhancement it has, compared to the air 5 that has the same speakers as my air 4.

Sadly the magic keyboard lacks the extra shorcuts line, the brydge keyboard does have, and it is almost three times the cost of the second.

Regards to everyone advicing here.

By Andy Lane on Sunday, June 11, 2023 - 07:38

Yep the M1 Pro does have slightly better speakers than the air you have but its not a huge difference. I wonder if theres a Pro M2 coming soon with a landscape redesign. That would be worth getting. Also the new almost entry level iPad that came out recently with a folio keyboard has a function row so maybe that will come to the M2 Pro too. I wonder if there will be redesigns announced at WWDC in June? It would be nice to finally have a landscape iPad with the camera at the top instead of the side. I’m pretty sure it is going to help FACE ID.

By Holger Fiallo on Sunday, June 11, 2023 - 07:38

From the many videos on the iPad pro with m1 they talk about the great speekers. The music is great and does a great job on movies. Check flossy carter he did a great review on it. Just search it on YouTube.

By Chris on Sunday, June 11, 2023 - 07:38

It's not worth it until Apple inevitably drops support for anything older than M1. Due to the restrictions in iPadOS, you're probably not going to take full advantage of the M1 or M2 anyway.

By Wenwei on Sunday, June 11, 2023 - 07:38

If you are prioritizing cosmetic damages, better speakers, and better quality videocalls, sure, go ahead. But I am telling you — you will not magically benefit from a better VO experience. I went from an iPad Air 4 to an iPad M1 for my own personal reasons. VoiceOver performance isn't one of them. As for keyboards — if i could buy a magic keyboard folio without a trackpad, I'd buy one in a heartbeat. Give the Zag keyboard cases a look.

By Andy Lane on Sunday, June 11, 2023 - 07:38

Both Carina and I got the Brydge keyboard and I think she’ll agree it’s absolutely great. Like the best laptop I ever owned kind of great. It’s so close to perfect but unfortunately it has a nasty defect which is where it clamps your iPad at the 2 bottom corners it pushes the glass in by maybe 0.5mm basically it very slightly damages your iPad. If you don’t intend on taking it out of the Brydge and using it as a regular IPad and you don’t mind that it technically damages the iPad without affecting the iPads function then I’d still say go for it. It’s such a cute little package and works incredibly well. It feels like apple made the entire package its so slick but it will damage the corners of the iPad slightly which both I and Carina were unhappy about to say the least.

By Holger Fiallo on Sunday, June 11, 2023 - 07:38

Check his review on the iPad pro. He will tell you if is garbage or not. Regarding quality of sound compare to others will tell you. What people are not telling you is that you might need to use it from different things in 1 or 3 years from now. Now you could use it for just basic but no one knows the future unless is Bella the cat.

By Andy Lane on Sunday, June 11, 2023 - 07:38

It’s just such a nice compact clean design. As a keyboard it works fantastically, lock and unlock work as expected too. I’m referring to the version without a trackpad which last time I looked was a complete bargain at £40. They went into administration though so don’t know how long the keyboard will be available. If you wanted to imagine the design, It’s exactly the same as 2 iPads stuck together by a hinge. The dimensions are exactly the same. With it being all aluminium it feels very premium. I’m talking about the version without a trackpad BTW. I think the trackpad version is where they started getting in trouble because Apple didn’t give them access to make it true multitouch with all the gestures.

By Karina Velazquez on Sunday, June 11, 2023 - 07:38

Oliver, the funtionality of the keyboard is great, I just have a trouble with key number 9 but I'm tolerant with it because some times having to press twice that key is not a bad deal for me when I have a nice luxurious with an extra shortcuts line keyboard for my nice iPad air.

Andy now I understand why their webpage is like a black whole, sad to know they went into administration, because they were doing great products.

I will try to look for maybe an iPad air 5 on sale, the only thing that makes me nervous is that in order to have a nice keyboard for it, I would have to spend an arm and a leg with the magic keyboard, because although I know there are other keyboard cases with the extra shortcuts row, they will look like as my iPad would be inside a halloween costume, because I'm very carefully with my stuff so adding extra layers and many protection to my devise is not intended and I absolutely love the touch of the aluminum finish (I miss it on the backside of iPhones).

If someone has a suggestion of a slim keyboard case, would be appreciated.

Regards to everybody.

By Holger Fiallo on Sunday, June 11, 2023 - 07:38

Does logitech has one for the Airpad? I know they have it for the iPad 9 which I am using and like it. Curious to know. Maybe amazon would know?

By Wenwei on Sunday, June 11, 2023 - 07:38

Oliver, thanks for the shout and the vote of confidence. I appreciate you ❇️