is it possible to connect both a bluetooth qwerty keyboard and a braille display to the iPad and work with them at the same time?

By braillegirl30, 1 September, 2021

Apple Hardware and Compatible Accessories

I will be managing large amounts of emails on an iPad. I am hoping to do the majority of my text editing and screen navigation from the qwerty keyboard but I want to be able to read and edit my work using a Focus 40 braille display. Is it possible to have both external devices connected and working together at the same time? Also, any differences I should be aware of in working with email messages on the iPad vs the iPhone?



By Travis Roth on Saturday, September 11, 2021 - 07:22

Yes it is technically possible. Just pair each. That said, iOS does not always like lots of devices working at the same time, so you'll have to test how well the typing works out.
If it causes issues, try the APH Mantis which is both QWERTY and Braille display in one device.

By Scott Davert on Saturday, September 11, 2021 - 07:22

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

Yes, it is possible. However, the older the device, in my experience, the less reliable the connection will be.

By Deborah Armstrong on Saturday, September 11, 2021 - 07:22

In my job I did this all the time, before I started working from home. I would connect a focus blue or a varioultra to the department iPAD to help students who are sighted with learning disabilities. They would type on the iPAD or one of our loaner Bluetooth keyboards and I would navigate with the Braille display so I could point to things. For example, if I was teaching them to use the notes app, I would demo, using Voiceover and point to various things on the screen, for example, showing them how to use folders. Then, I'd turn off voiceover and let them practice. I would occasionally type on the BT keyboard as well if I couldn't remember how to do something on the Braille display so I know both devices worked with VO at the same time.
But I had new Apple keyboards, and I agree: older devices are less reliable with bluetooth connections. This was before Covid, and the department iPAD ran iOS 11. I just tried hooking up my Keys2Go and my VarioUltra to my new iPHONE running iOS 14.7 and that seems to work as well.