iPhone5 cases, your experiences

By Siobhan, 23 May, 2013

Apple Hardware and Compatible Accessories
Hi all. I'm probably getting the five or five S, and I wanted to get your takes on the cases. The good, the bad, etc. I only really need two things: 1. I need it slim, not bulky. 2. I need a belt clip as the designers of womens' jeans have chosen to make pockets tiny now. I need a secure, again ot huge if possible belt clip. I've seen the otterbox cases, and I'm not crazy about that rubbery texture, but if it works out the best option then I'm going with that. Right now price isn't an option until I make a decision. Thanks for any experiences with as many cases as possible. :)



By Zivan Krisher on Tuesday, June 11, 2013 - 07:37

Hello, I don't have an iPHone but I have an iPod Touch, and as you know they are very similar products. I'm also a belt clip person, but I tend to go with rugged rather than slim. I'm now using a case similar to this one. It covers the screen while the device is on th belt and may hit something and is very drop proof. http://www.pdair.com/smartphone-cell-phone-pda/apple/apple-iphone-5/leather-case-for-apple-iphone-5-flip-top-type-with-clip-black.html One of my favorite features is the detachable belt clip. there is a round section that screws into the case, and is inserted into the clip on your belt. Just press on the top of the clip and the round piece is released and you can bring the device up to your head. However, this case isn't very thin. I'm also planning on getting an iPhone and have been looking at a case called the MiniSuit Clipster: http://www.amazon.com/MiniSuit-Clipster-Holster-Verizon-Unlocked/dp/B0099XQNRI/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_nC?ie=UTF8&colid=4CSJB6PLURCH&coliid=I3SH8FFTDDX556 I have no hands on experience with ti, but it sounds interesting. It come in two sections, one is a thin case that protects the back of the phone. The other goes on your belt. You then clip the phone into the the belt section face in, protecting the screen. This way you have an iPhone with only a thin case when in your hand, but when it's on the belt the screen is protected. The MiniSuit Clipster is only 10$, so it may be worth getting just to see if it works.
Hi. Thanks so much for your opinions. I will probably have a screen protector on my phone, because i'm always wanting to make sure it's not getting stuff on it. and let's be honest, who's gonna wash their hands every time before they tap, call, text? I don't know of anyone. I'll check out that case and the one you're suggesting. I was beginning to thin no one would answer my question. Thanks again.

By Eileen on Tuesday, June 11, 2013 - 07:37

I prefer to never drop my phone in the first place. ,my silicon case works great in my hand, on the car's dash board, resting on my knee during travel or on a table top. I bought mine at 5 Below for $5. I've seen the same silicon case at Walmart for $15. The grippy nature makes it a little hard to get it into my belt clip, but the benefits are worth it to me. ,my kids have thrown my phone on the floor once or twice and so far it's survived. but I would never let them make a habbit of abusing electronics.

By Edward Alonzo on Thursday, July 11, 2013 - 07:37

Hello: I am currently using a case for my IPhone 5, called the Lifeproof fre case from a company called lifeproof. They make a very nice case. its extremely thin, doesn't take away from your device, and you can purchase a separate belt clip option (sold separately) however I got them both and love them. This case if waterproof, dirt-proof, shock-proof, and snow-proof. I got mine from best buy but you can also get it from www.lifeproof.com I totally love mine. Its amazing how sleek it is. like I said doesn't detract from your devices slimness.

By Siobhan on Thursday, July 11, 2013 - 07:37

In reply to by Edward Alonzo

Hi. Thanks so much for all of your answers, I appreciate all of them. I'll let you know what I decide on, when I upgrade.