Connecting iPhone 5s to iRig KEYS

By tim cumings, 9 July, 2014

Apple Hardware and Compatible Accessories

I am using garage band on the iphone and am thnking about getting the ik multimedia irig keys portavble keyboard to use with garage band. My iphone 5s has a lightning connector. IfI purchase the irig keys with the lightning connector will it work on my iphone 5s and will I be able to monitor through the headphone jack on my 5s. I have heard that using any audio device wth the lightning connector on the iphone t5s disables the headphone jack on the iphone. Does anyone have any experience with using the 5s with the irig keys? I read some other topics on thie forum that said some people tried connecting the irig keys to their iphone 5 and it wasn;t recognized.



By Isaac Hebert (not verified) on Friday, July 11, 2014 - 07:37

I don't have a irig keys keyboard but after doing some research I found that the irig keys keyboard is compatible with the iPhone 5s.
I am not sure if you are able to monitor through the head phone jack or not.