Can anyone recommend a simple, cheap, accessible microphone that can be used with the iPad

By Ipadman, 17 May, 2018

Apple Hardware and Compatible Accessories

Hi there,
I was wondering if anyone knew of a simple to use, fully accessible microphone that can be used with my iPad.
It doesn’t need to do anything fancy, just make my voice clearer when I’m making phone calls but it must be completely accessible as I am totally blind, and less than $50.

Thanks for your help.



By Jurgen on Sunday, June 10, 2018 - 08:15

What about an Apple headset. Seems to be pretty much what you are looking for.

By Deborah Armstrong on Sunday, June 10, 2018 - 08:15

Since there's no phone in the iPAD, I'm wondering if you are making VOIP calls. Maybe you need a different service, since the iPAD built-in mic is already pretty good. Over the wired phone system, sometimes called the "circuit switched public telephone network" or PSTN, when you aren't using the internet, the audio is only 8K samples at 8MHZ, so it's low fidelity anyway. If your phone calls are going over the internet, either through Facebook, What's app, Facetime, Skype, or using some Cisco protocol or using Google talk or SIP, then higher quality audio is often used. Try the voice memos app and make some recordings of your mouth close to and far away from the iPAD to determine if the problem is you, or your mic. Maybe the built-in mic is faulty and you could go to an Apple store and get it repaired.

By Unregistered User (not verified) on Sunday, June 10, 2018 - 08:15

Firstly, the retail price is US$249. This can be purchased sans sales tax so be careful where because most online retailers charge sales tax. eBay is a good place to find a discount possibly, but I consulted with my connect at Sweetwater.

Secondly, this is totally accessible. I have as much eyesight as you. Connect the relevant cable to the bottom [there are two cables included – USB-C and Lightning], and connect the other to the iDevice. I was told there is a VU metre on the microphone which would make sense due to the gain adjustment dial, but this can be circumvented if you connect wired headphones to track in real-time. This will make it possible to adjust the gain to your likes as you hear what is recorded. The dial increments and decrements by 2dB from 0 to 46. It does not stop at 0 or 46, and you may not know exactly what level is set. I begin at 0 or 46 then count upwards or downwards with each tactile click I feel. The dial will provide firm tactile feedback when turned.