bluetooth keyboard indications

By Lucas Radaelli, 11 December, 2010

Apple Hardware and Compatible Accessories
Hi all, I am Lucas from brazil, and I was trying to find a bluetooth keyboard for my iPhone. I read some suggestions on a mailinglist, but the site does not send them to Brazil. The 3 different ones that I tryed, they do not send them to my country. Can you give me other suggestions about small bluetooth keyboards for my iPhone? - Maybe I can find them in my own country or order them from US. thanks!!



By Sarah on Thursday, December 30, 2010 - 23:23

Hi lucas. Me and my partner got keyboard from ebay. We also bought a bigger one ffrom comet. Not sure if u have this store. Sarah
Hum, thank you Sarah, I will try ebay so. which model did you get? The small one, which is the name? thanks again.

By Kevin Andrews on Wednesday, March 30, 2011 - 23:23

In reply to by Lucas Radaelli

I got the Apple wireless bluetooth keyboard. Got it in our local Apple store for about $70, very easy to set up!
Just bought one today. They're out of China, and pocket sized. The Apple wireless keyboard is quite big IMO and not portible,, but it is great for typeing very long messages.