best accessible NAS drive for use with macOS?

By trey, 21 March, 2024

Apple Hardware and Compatible Accessories

Hi everyone, hope you're doing well and staying safe. What's the best accessible nas drive the can be controlled via web interface that people would recommend for use with macOS and ios? Thanks very much everyone :-)



By PaulMartz on Tuesday, March 19, 2024 - 01:55

Maybe they don't even make it anymore, it was years ago when I purchased this NAS from Western Digital, and at the time I had enough remaining eyesight to use it's poorly designed UI. The drive has since died. Good riddance.

I would say that it might be tough for anyone to make a recommendation here. I had a router from Arris that had a totally accessible admin backend. Then a few years later, I upgraded to a newer model, and the admin backend had completely changed. So, an NAS that someone found accessible a year ago might not be accessible today.

Good luck. Let us know what you end up with.