Hey all, I decided it would be a good idea to post this to see if anyone was having this problem, my friends don't seem to be having this problem. Basically, when I try to use braille screen input, VoiceOver just crashes. Is anyone else having this same problem? I am using an iPhone 5, with iOS 8.1.3
Yes, to me it's heppand but not often. because i don't usis this.
I don't use braille screen
I don't use braille screen input. I tried it, but everything was backwards, even though I calibrated it again and again. I use an app called braille touch if I ever want to input in braillee.
It doesn't happen to me
I use braille screen input every day, and VoiceOver doesn't crash for me. Have you tried restarting the phone? Not sure if that would help or not.
Yes I have restarted the phone. I having living with this bug fore weeks now, and planning on restoring my iPhone soon.
Try to setup your iPhone with
Try to setup your iPhone with data, stored in a backup file that should be made before release of IOS 8.1.3. I had similar problems and now Braille keyboard does it's job very well again.