Modifier keys in BSI

By PaulMartz, 14 September, 2024

Braille on Apple Products

Any idea how to invoke the modifier keys in BSI? Such as control, option, and command. With an external braile display, this is usually done with dot 7. Do I have to be in 8-dot mode in BSI to invoke these keys?

Use case: I'm editing a doc in the Google Docs app, and I want to add a comment to the text, so I need to invoke command+option+M.

I'll try 8-dot, but if anyone knows for certain, please chime in.. Thanks.



By Yvonnezed on Monday, September 16, 2024 - 23:07

As far as I'm aware you can't do this, any more than you can with the built in keyboard.

By Lielle ben simon on Monday, September 16, 2024 - 23:07

Hi, BSI support in 6 dot Braille at this time.
It's not possible to write in 8 dot Braille.
I hope that it will be in the future.
On iPad it's possible because the screen is bigger.
I don't know if writing in Braille related to the screen syes or doesn't.

By Dennis Long on Monday, September 16, 2024 - 23:07

If your on a beta suggest this if not write this in the Applevis report card when it comes around next year. BTW include your example in either or both places. That is an example of what you want to happen and what you can't get to happen. so be absolutely sure you include that.

By Oliver on Monday, September 16, 2024 - 23:07

There are a few functions lost without dots seven and eight. I did report back on this early in the beta cycle.

By PaulMartz on Monday, September 16, 2024 - 23:07

Thanks for the comments, everyone.

I tried this on an iPad, but as I feared, BSI on an iPad with an 8-dot table is not the same as an 8-key braille display using a 6-dot table.

Here's the feedback report I submitted, FB15137388.

I suggest you add a method to invoke modifier keys to the Braille Screen Input feature.

As a typical use case, consider editing a document in the Google Docs app. To add a comment to the document text, a user must invoke Control+Command+M. This is possible with an 8-key Braille display by pressing dots 17 for Control, dots 27 for Command, and dots 134 for M. But this is impossible with Braille Screen Input, even on an iPad that supports 8-dot braille.

Thanks for your consideration in this matter.