iPhone Braille keyboard ve MBraille

By Yasemin, 8 October, 2024

Braille on Apple Products

Hello, I don't use the MBraille app as much as I used to, because the built-in Braille keyboard has improved a lot and iOS 18 has great accessibility improvements in built-in Braille; however, MBraille is still practical when making phone calls. Actually, if the built-in Braille keyboard could be used with dot commands, at least for phone calls, even if it is not for everything, I think there would be no need for MBraille; however, there is no possibility of dot commands coming to built-in Braille at the moment. Alternatives such as speed dial and Siri are nice and I use them as well; however, since adding the entire phonebook to speed dial would not be practical, that is, since it would not be practical to find the number to be called and since there would be no difference between finding it from the phonebook, it makes sense to add only the frequently called numbers to speed dial and find them easily. Spotlight search is also not as practical as dot commands. I think Siri can sometimes not be used in some environments, especially in crowded environments. In other words, not everyone needs to know who we are calling, and it cannot clearly perceive our voice in a crowd, and sometimes even in a calm environment it makes mistakes, asks ridiculous questions and delays the call unnecessarily, etc. What can be done to bring the dot command feature in MBraille to Braille input from the screen? Thank you.



By Yasemin on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 - 21:48

I am Turkish. My English is not very good. I use Google Translate. Thank you for your understanding.

By Lielle ben simon on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 - 21:48

Hi, in order to improve it call or send an e-mail to Apple accessibility team.
For me with my Braille Display I can dial without problem.
I use 8 dot Braille.
It could be the problem, because 6 dot Braille doesn't translated to regular writen.
You can try to activate "Automatic Translation" on Braille Screen Input.
Maybe it could be help it.

By Yasemin on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 - 21:48

Hello, thank you; but that is not the problem. The dot commands in the application called MBraille should also come to the internal Braille keyboard. It is easy to make phone calls in MBraille. This feature should also come to the Braille input from the screen, that is, the internal Braille keyboard. What should be done for this? I wanted to explain this; but I guess I could not explain it enough because my English is not good.

By Enes Deniz on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 - 21:48

It's been quite a while ever since I last used M Braille, but I'm also from Türkiye and suppose I got your point. M Braille has this set of so-called dot commands that let you make calls and send e-mails quickly, possibly as well as other stuff on Facebook and other social media platforms. I'm not really sure about the third-party stuff but making calls and sending e-mails can be considered more universal and easier to implement but it's Apple we're talking about so I doubt it will ever be possible.

By Yasemin on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 - 21:48

Hello, that's exactly what I meant. Can we collectively report to Apple on this forum to at least have the dot command for phone calls, namely the "Call" command in MBraille, come to the internal Braille keyboard? Thanks

By Enes Deniz on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 - 21:48

What is that command, if I may ask? I already have iOS 18 Beta installed on one of the two iPhones I currently have, so I might send feedback directly to Apple. Others might be able and willing to do that as well, but since I've read and replied to your post, I can do that. By the way, Apple may just be uninterested and I also wonder whether anyone will still need and continue to use M Braille should that command be implemented.

By Yasemin on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 - 21:48

Dot Commands from the Keyboard
After you have created your message, you can perform many commands with the Braille keyboard. To do this, after entering a new line, you need to enter a dot, then the command and any possible arguments, and then enter a new line again.
So first, write your message as you always do. Then you can send it to wherever you want by using the dot commands at the end of your message. You can send your message as an e-mail, sms, tweet or Facebook status update without having to enter the menu with the .mail, .sms, .tweet or .fb commands. You can also create a calendar event with the .tkv command.
Calling for a Number or Person
.call name or number
This command calls for a given person or number. Person names can be shortened as in the .sms or .mail commands. The call starts when you move to a new line by sliding your finger down.

By Yasemin on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 - 21:48

Klavyeden Nokta Komutları
Mesajınızı oluşturduktan sonra, bir çok komutu Braille klavye ile gerçekleştirebilirsiniz. Bunun için yeni bir satıra geçtikten sonra, nokta, ardından komut ve varsa mümkün bir arguman girip tekrar yeni satıra geçmeniz gerekir.
Yani önce her zaman yaptığınız gibi mesajınızı yazın. Sonrasında onu mesajınızın sonunda nokta komutlarını kullanarak dilediğiniz yere gönderebilirsiniz. .mail, .sms, .tweet veya .fb komutlarıyla menüye girmek zorunda kalmadan mesajınızı, mail, sms, tweet veya facebook durum güncellemesi olarak gönderebilirsiniz. Ayrıca .tkv komutuyla bir takvim etkinliği de oluşturabilirsiniz.
MBraille için girdiğiniz nokta komutları kaydedilmektedir, bu yüzden bunlar arasında dolaşabilir ve eski verdiğiniz komutları yeniden verebilirsiniz. Örneğin, metin mesajlarınızı hep aynı kişilere gönderiyorsanız, aynı komutu tekrar tekrar yazmak zorunda kalmamak oldukça faydalı olacaktır. 4'üncü noktaya basın ve geçmiş içinde geri doğru gitmek için diğer parmağınızı yukarı, ileri doğru gitmek için aşağı kaydırın. parmağınızı 4'üncü noktadan kaldırdığınızda, sanki eski komutunuzu yeniden yazmış gibi olacaksınız. yalnızca yeni satır için parmağınızı aşağı kaydırın ve komutunuz yeniden işleme konsun.
Bir Numarayı Veya Kişiyi Aramak
.ara isim veya numara
Bu komutla verilen kişi veya numara aranır. Kişi adları .sms veya .mail komutlarında olduğu gibi kısaltılabilir. Arama parmağınızı aşağı kaydırarak yeni satıra geçtiğiniz an başlar.

By Yasemin on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 - 21:48

Dot Commands from the Keyboard
After you have created your message, you can perform many commands with the Braille keyboard. To do this, after entering a new line, you need to enter a dot, then the command and any possible arguments, and then enter a new line again.
So first, write your message as you always do. Then you can send it to wherever you want by using the dot commands at the end of your message. You can send your message as an e-mail, sms, tweet or Facebook status update without having to enter the menu with the .mail, .sms, .tweet or .fb commands. You can also create a calendar event with the .tkv command.
Calling for a Number or Person
.call name or number
This command calls for a given person or number. Person names can be shortened as in the .sms or .mail commands. The call starts when you move to a new line by sliding your finger down.GNİ