iPad and refreshable braille and web sites and apps that have independent audio

By Dan Kelley, 29 September, 2021

Braille on Apple Products

Hello everyone, I would like to discuss the behavior of voiceover and braille displays interacting with content that has an audio component. This could be a book in EasyReader or an article on a web site that has either a screen reader or human reader. What I have seen happening is when I encounter this, voiceover will display one word at a time. I want to be able to read all of the text and have more than one word on a line. When one word is displayed I can pan right, move to the next item with a thumb key or swiping and that will move to the next word. When you play the audio the braille will track along with the speech one word at a time. I would to disengage the audio having control over my screen reader. Anyone have any idea of what would be causing this to happen? I have tested this on ipads running ios 17.8 and 15 and my iphone 12 minnie running ios 14.8. Thank you in advance.

Dan Kelley
Access technology specialist
Ohio State School for the Blind
