inputting text on a mac using a Braille Display

By Khafsa2015, 2 October, 2016

Braille on Apple Products

Hi all,

Just wondering how to change the settings to input text on a mac using my braille display. I would like to switch it to grade 2. Don't know what it is currently, but it is acting really strange. I used to have the same problem on iOS, but I was able to fix that by changing my input method. Thanks :)

Using a human ware 32 display.



By Fatima.Hamoud10 on Wednesday, September 28, 2016 - 01:56

On the Braille display, press the Spacebar + dots 1, 2, 4 and 5 at the same time to toggle between contracted and Uncontracted Braille.

By Khafsa2015 on Wednesday, September 28, 2016 - 01:56

Hey, thanks for that, will give it a bash tomorrow :)