eight dot BsI commands on iPad?

By Holy Diver, 1 December, 2024

Braille on Apple Products

Hi folks, I'm curious if iPads allow you to use eight dot Braille commands in BSI command mode? I use it a fair bit on my iPhone but find not being able to jump around by containers in safari for example fairly limited. I noticed if I get into the container with the address bar I can do a BSI search as a find function for the whole page but in the actual web site it's stuck on the quick nav options. Being able to quickly move containers without the rotor in command mode would help a ton, so much that I may want an iPad for that alone. Thoughts?



By Oliver on Monday, December 2, 2024 - 21:50

Someone posted about this recently. Think the conclusion was, though you can write in eight dot brail, you can't use eight dot brail for BSI commands, EG, jump containers, etc.

By PaulMartz on Monday, December 2, 2024 - 21:50

I looked into this several weeks back. I wanted to be able to use modifier keys with Google Docs. For example, Option+Command+M to enter a Docs comment. I submitted a feature request to Apple and asked for this support.

Shortly afterward, I discovered that my use case was invalid. The Google Docs app on iPadOS/iOS doesn't support the same modifier keys as Docs on a desktop web browser.

Still, let's hope 8-dot Braille comes to BSI soon.

By Holy Diver on Monday, December 9, 2024 - 21:50

Alrightie then, I'll stick with the SE for IOS things until I hear of an update. It's a shame we can't turn off the quick nav BSI setting in Safari, having that find functionality without a Braille display or flicking to my container rotor, and jumping around would be a massive efficiency boost. Like enough to maybe convince me to daily drive iOS, BSI is already solid here it doesn't seem like this is too much of an ask ... but I don't know what work went into the back end. . Thanks for the responses, both of you.

By Brian on Monday, December 9, 2024 - 21:50

If 8 dot Braille is not supported, why is there an eight dot Braille table in BSI for iOS?

By Oliver on Monday, December 9, 2024 - 21:50

8 dot code for input is supported for typing. I'm afraid I don't use 8 dot as was trained on a Perkins style brailler, but its not yet available to use for the new BSI command input, IE, chords to move about the screen, that is restricted to 6 dot brail, but your point stands, if the iPad can accept typing input in 8 dot, it doesn't seem a huge leap to go to 8 dot command input. Maybe it's a resource thing. Do enough people use 8 dot brail, know it etc, o, to make it available on iPad?

What I'd also like to see is the ability to reassign BSI input as we may with brail displays. There are quite a few combinations that are free, SH for example, off the top of my head, but also reusing seldom used chords might be a means of adding greater productivity.

By Brian on Monday, December 9, 2024 - 21:50

I first learned to write Braille with ye olde Slate and Stylus. Then later the Perkins Brailler. Sadly, I never learned UEB or Nemeth Code, as I was taught the OG Braille by my state's Commision for the Blind at that time.

Still I think it'd be spiffy if 8cell were made available for us. Also, and this is a little off topic, sorry, but I'd love one of the old Braille Edge devices from HIMS. 😳

Edit: I should say I'd love to have a Braille display with the same type of functionality as the old Braille Edge. Because, that device is at least 10 years old ... 🤷

By Oliver on Monday, December 9, 2024 - 21:50

As someone who learned brail but then kinda fell out of love with it (still very slow), it really heartens me to hear so many comments on here about brail. it's like it's having its moment. Regarding the brail edge, I never tried it. I do think there is space in the market for a robust, metal design, usb-C display with some serious future proofing. I really can't see the mantis, for example, surviving ten years and, from what I've read, replacing the keyboard is very difficult.

Anyway, back to this, I've dropped accessibility@apple.com a message with a request for these functionalities, as well as a means of typing brail on mac, similar to how brail input works on the mantis, actually. Doubtless they will ignore my genius.

By Brian on Monday, December 9, 2024 - 21:50

I think BSI circa iOS 18 is where the sudden interest in Braille stems from. I mean, have you seen Command Mode in action?

Regarding the Braille Edge, I recall it having some additional applications, but they were for offline use. They also, again if memory serves, had some PC keyboard keys, such as a Windows key, and the Tab key.

I also remember it only being about an inch thick.

By TheBlindGuy07 on Monday, December 9, 2024 - 21:50

Yeah for mac there's a world where this feature could exist especially for new learners of braille. I remember a couple of nvda addons offering that and working quite well already in 2017 or so.
I don't have an ipad but definitely would like to have 8dot bsi support on it if I'd to buy one.