Changing Braille Table while typing on Braille Display

By tripolice, 9 July, 2024

Braille on Apple Products

Hello there!

I need to type bilingual on iphone using Humanware 20 cell braille display. While there is a rotor settings and quick settings to change the Braille table, I was wondering if there is a quicker way to do this while typing, like a braille command. I do set the rotor to Braille table, but if I happen to navigate out of the edit field and come back to it, I find rotor moved to another setting and end up messing up things. Any input would be of great help. My aim is to use the display without touching the device.




By Maldalain on Tuesday, July 9, 2024 - 23:14

On the Mac you can set a keyboard shortcut to switch tables, on iOS there is no such a function. Just change the order of the braille table in the rotor to somehwere towards the top, this makes it easier to navigate to that option using your Braille display.