BSI and Messages app in IOS 10

By Michela Botti, 22 September, 2016

Braille on Apple Products

Hi all, I'm trying to use BSI to write a message, but, while I use it with no problems in other apps, when in the Messages app I seem to have no way to access screen-away mode. If I set the phone in screen-away position, I get the hand-writing mode automatically selected. I'm only able to input Braille in table mode. Has anyone had this same issue? Am I missing something (I'm quite new to IOS)? And also, is there a way that I can prevent hand-writing mode to be selected automatically?
Thanks a lot for your help!



By Lukas on Thursday, September 22, 2016 - 05:56

You can disable handwriting entirely by going to Settings->General->Accessibility->VoiceOver->Rotor and deselecting that option there, but I assume you do want to use it every now and then but to be able to select it just manually?

I find it helpful to lock the orientation of my phone (this is done from the control center, at least in iOS 9 which is the latest version I am currently able to use on my hardware), and to lock the BSI orientation accordingly in its Settings page.

Sometimes, I experience the bug where the BSI rotor option gets skipped when I try to switch to it, and the next one in order after it in the respective direction of my rotor movement gets selected instead. I wouldn't be surprised if this bug was still present even on iOS 10. Just try moving the rotor back and forth a few times until it remains stuck on the desired BSI.

Does any of this help at all?

Hi Lukas, thank you for your comment. Unfortunately I've already tried to exclude handwriting option from the rotor but nothing changed. The orientation of my phone is already locked. The strange thing is that it all happens only inside the Messages App. Up to now, I never experienced the problem you describe with rotor options, maybe the bug is gone away in IOS 10.
