Using a BrailleNote Apex with an iPhone 5S as a Braille display and Braille keyboard, I wonder if an app (the Drafts app over at
<a href=""><From this link/a>
for example) some apps have shortcut commands (Command+l or Option+Command+i) how would I invoke these using the Braille keyboard on my Apex? Yes I tried the Space+i mode where you need to press for Alt Space+a+Dot7 (I think the Alt is the same as the Command key) but nothing happens! Thanks for info.
By Gerardo, 31 May, 2017
Braille on Apple Products
Braille vs Keyboard
As far as I know, there aren't any direct Braille to keyboard mappings other than what are provided, i.e. there's no way to press command plus another key unless there's a Braille mapping provided. I only know of two exceptions: the Smart Beetle and the Alva BC640. However, this is possible with these two displays because they emulate a full Bluetooth keyboard in addition to their Braille input and, consequently, have the ability to use any keyboard key you want.