Braille display not appearing with Parallels NVDA

By bexgray01, 5 December, 2024

Braille on Apple Products

I am using NVDA with Parallels and everything is set up correctly except my braille display is not showing up. I have selected to connect my braille display to windows 11, but i just get "Braille Display" appear on the display and it does not change the content when i move around the screen. is this normal?



By Justin Harris on Monday, December 9, 2024 - 21:38

I have no experience with Parallels, but use NVDA on a vm in VMWare, and can't get the driver to install. Depending on your display, that could be your issue. Mine is a Focus 40 Blue, and the driver will not install on ARM. Hoping this gets fixed soon, as it would be really nice to use my display with my Windows VM.

By bexgray01 on Monday, December 9, 2024 - 21:38

i can't get it to work with either my mantis or brailliant. I'm not sure about drivers, but i'm guessing maybe it's because ARM is quite new and not really supported yet?

By Gus Pacleb on Monday, December 9, 2024 - 21:38

Using Parallels VM running Win11 Pro ARM, I can get my display to connect to the VM and function with a screen-reader through USB only. I have been unsuccessful with Bluetooth. I did reach out to freedom scientific, and they did state that Focus displays should work without issue for devices designed for ARM. This is no surprise to me, considering how much success I have had with JAWS.

My guess the issues that are presented have to do with incompatibilities with potentially the Bluetooth Driver on the VM side not recognizing the display. I know Bluetooth connections have to be started on the Mac OS side in order for them to work with a VM; I did also try turning off VoiceOver to get a display to connect to the VM to kill any prior connections to a display. This was also unsuccessful.
I'd be curious how braille users who are using Windows for ARM based devices, such as the new Surface Laptop 7 are getting along.

By bexgray01 on Monday, December 9, 2024 - 21:38

Both USB and Bluetooth were unsuccessful, and I also tried turning voicover off on the mac side but this didn't help either.

By bexgray01 on Monday, December 9, 2024 - 21:38

Just plugged the mantis in and it's working. I didn't change anything it just worked, so not sure what's going on but i'm happy either way/.

By Joe on Monday, December 9, 2024 - 21:38

Typing this on my Surface Laptop 7 on my Mantis. Emulation is fine however I wish blind folks would stop the narrative that everything works as if you had a Windows laptop exp its just not true. Some programs and devices on the Mac vm side just don't work as expected.

By Justin Harris on Monday, December 9, 2024 - 21:38

Agree with this for sure. Emulation is okay, but I do miss Bootcamp. I don't feel like I can do anything super serious on a vm, because you never know if it will glitch out and all your work would be lost. I know there is an app called NVDA Remote, which I have used, but it doesn't work all that well with certain programs, so a lot of the time, I end up just using my vm to remote in to my desktop studio computer. Also, to select text in a pdf to copy in to a text document. Other than that, I don't feel comfortable doing anything major on that vm.

By bexgray01 on Monday, December 9, 2024 - 21:38

Joe and Justin, I'm sorry if I implied that everything is perfect, I'm aware that it's not the same as a normal machine, I just said that it was working to say that my problem had been resolved.


By Joe on Monday, December 9, 2024 - 21:38

I wasn’t actually referring to you. I was referring to some podcast. I’ve been hearing lately where the host act as if virtual machines work perfectly. Yes they can do a lot of things but expecting them to be 100% windows and do exactly the same thing. windows does all the time is really bad information. They’re handing out to folks. Especially when it comes to things that we use as blind folks as braille displays, etc. so I apologize for not making that clear in my initial post.

By bexgray01 on Monday, December 9, 2024 - 21:38

thank you for clarifying, yeah i've been hearing this a lot lately and it can be slightly misleading