Windows and Fusion/Zoomtext delays when switching between apps

By Stuart Duncan, 7 July, 2024

Assistive Technology

My employer has forced all employees to switch to New Teams from the previous Teams Classic. Since this change, I have notes significant delays when switching between open programs on my PC. When I switch to another app, the computer seems to lose contact with Zoomtext/Fusion for anything up to ten seconds. During this time, using the normal Ctrl+mouse scroll reverts to contolling Windows instead of Zoomtext. When the computer finally gives control back to Zoomtext, the internal Windows zoom has been changed to something unreadable. There is a Windows shortcut to reset the Windows zoom which is Ctrl+0.

I've reported this problem to both Microsoft and AI Squared (Freedom Scientific), the manufacturer of Zoomtext/Fusion.

Teams will run fine as long as you don't switch to another program but I've had to start closing Teams unless I actually need to do something in the app.

Just thought I'd share this as it took me many days to find out what was causing the problem.
