New Meta Rayband user, two questions.

By Studio Jay, 29 December, 2024

Assistive Technology

Hi everyone,
I just got a new pair of the glasses for Christmas, and I am experiencing two issues.
The first is, when I go into theMeta View app, I can see the battery level for the glasses, but I cannot see the battery level for the case. I think once, VoiceOver said some thing like the case battery is low, but I have never been able to check it again. The second question is, how can I tell if the glasses is using Wi-Fi? I added a Wi-Fi device, and now VoiceOver says that the device is there, and it gives me the option to remove the Wi-Fi network, but I can’t tell if the glasses is actually using the wi-Fi. Thanks in advance for any help.
Kind regards,



By MR.TheBlind on Thursday, January 2, 2025 - 21:58

Hope this helps you a little bit. I’m also a very new user with the glasses as well, but I’m slowly discovering new features and new things with them but so far based on my very short experience, there is no way to check the battery percentage of the case because my app does the same thing you’re describing it just tells you the battery of the glasses itself. However, regarding Wi-Fi, I know that the Wi-Fi thing is only being used for when you take pictures and videos and you have to download them into the app so that way you can save them to your phone or share them. I believe that the glasses use your phone data or whatever Wi-Fi your phone uses to be able to operate, but it doesn’t really specify that. It all operate based more on your phone’s data or wi-fi and uses that other Wi-Fi network you added manually only to download pictures based on my understanding, like I said, I’m very new to them as well, but this is what I have kind of figured out so far.
Hope this gives you a better understanding.

By Brian on Thursday, January 2, 2025 - 21:58

Hi there,

As mentioned above, there is no Audible way to announce your cases battery status. Sighted folks on the other hand, can look at the lights on the case, to determine the measure of battery that is available for use.
Regarding Wi-Fi, in the Meta View app, if you go to settings, Wi-Fi, you can see whether or not your Wi-Fi is connected and saved. Keep in mind this is referring to your home or office Wi-Fi, not the data on your smart phone. The meta-smart glasses actually use your Bluetooth for data, and Wi-Fi is primarily used for updating software on the Meta View app, and/or the glasses themselves.

By mr grieves on Thursday, January 2, 2025 - 21:58

You can see the battery level of the case if you go into settings and then tap on the name of your glasses. You will get the battery level of the glasses followed by the case.

By Brian on Thursday, January 2, 2025 - 21:58

Can you give step by step instructions on this? Because, when I go to settings, and then tap on the name of my glasses, I get the following:
Ray-Ban | Meta, Skyler, heading, connected, glasses battery 100%

I can touch, touching hole, double tap, triple tap, double tap and hold, etc. etc., and I still get that message above and nothing else.

Nothing regarding the case battery. 🫤

By Kyler G on Thursday, January 2, 2025 - 21:58

In my experience, the case battery is only announced when the case itself is charging. I get the same announcement you're describing, but if the case is charging, VoiceOver will announce "glasses battery 100%, glasses are charging, case battery full, case is charging". Also note that the case seems to use a less advanced system for measuring the battery level, using the terms "low", "medium" and "full" instead of a percentage. HTH!

By Brian on Thursday, January 2, 2025 - 21:58

Thanks for the clarification. 😎✌️

By Studio Jay on Thursday, January 2, 2025 - 21:58

Hi Everyone,
Thanks for replying so quickly. However, when my glasses are in the case, when I go to settings/your glasses in the Metaview app, Voiceover says that the glasses is not connected, so I don't get any announcement about the battery level of the glasses or the case. This is why I think the WIFI is not connected, but when I select WIFI from settings, it shows my WIFI network under saved, and it gives me the option to remove it. Thanks in advance for any further help.

By mr grieves on Thursday, January 2, 2025 - 21:58

If your glasses are charging in the case, once they get to full charge and a little time passes, they will go to sleep. At this point they will disconnect and you will lose connection with the app. You could take them out of the case, wake them up, then put them back and then you should get the case battery level.

Regarding wifi, I'm a little unsure about how useful wifi actually is on the glasses. I think the description is that the glasses can upload photos and upgrade their firmware if on wifi. I'm pretty sure mine used to be able to upload photos, but now I seem to have to do this manually in the app. But I think they can update their firmware still.

I think possibly any time the glasses and the app are talking to each other is via bluetooth and not wifi. A few months ago I was on holiday and never bothered putting the glasses on the wifi network and never noticed any difference.

Please someone correct me if I am wrong about this.

By Jonathan Candler on Thursday, January 2, 2025 - 21:58

Hello, check and see if auto-import while charging is enabled. Go to settings / gallery and if it's off, that could be why. Also, your glasses do need to be on and in its case for this to work, that's when it uses your wifi also. You can still import stuff while you have the glasses on your head from the phone but this is easier Lol. So yeah, it'll use your saved wifi when it's importing photos and videos from the glasses to you phone and when a software update is downloading. I just got these myself so I'm still learning quite a bit about them also. HTH.

By Studio Jay on Thursday, January 2, 2025 - 21:58

Hi everyone,
Just a quick note to say thanks for your help. Everything works just as you all so kindly explained.I am understanding and enjoying the glasses more every day.

By Earle on Thursday, January 2, 2025 - 21:58

If you are in the Meta View app, and it says the glasses aren't connected, you can press the button on the back of the case to connect them. The glasses need to be turned on while in the case in order for this to work.