Airpods pro2 with my audio gram

By Ramy, 3 November, 2024

Apple Hardware and Compatible Accessories

Hello all:
i updated my Airpods pro 2 to v7b19 which will make me using my airpods pro 2 as a hearing aid.
I have allready my audio gram, and i uploaded via the health app,
from accessibility/audio/headphone accomodation, i set it o use my audio gram,
is there anything to make full ampilification to be like a professional hearing aid? because, this is exactly what i did for Airpods previous Versions, so, what is new here?
i mean, how can i be sure that it is now can understand that i have hearing loss?



By Missy Hoppe on Saturday, November 9, 2024 - 22:22

I have the upgraded firmware, and imported the audiogram which, thankfully, my audiologist had set up in my phone a while back when my hearing aids were having issues. I don't even remember how I actually got the import to happen; the only thing i know is that my airpods are working as they did before iOS 18. In other words, I am able to use transparency mode to make them act as back-ups to my regular hearing aids. I haven't done much playing around with them yet, though. Today is actually the first day I'll be able to fully test drive the feature as I use the airpods as hearing aid replacements when I go to the gym with my mom. I'm not expecting any spectacular improvements or anything; am just thankful that things seem to be back to how they were when I initially purchased my airpods.

By TheBlindGuy07 on Saturday, November 9, 2024 - 22:22

Before ios 18 I added my audiogram when I still was in need of hearing aid and I only remember that some fields were missing even after the audiologist having performed her own scan with my phone. Just in case somebody else had this issue :)

By Bruce Harrell on Saturday, November 9, 2024 - 22:22

I read somewhere that the latest version of IOS has a hearing test buried somewhere in settings. You are supposed to apply the hearing test results in settings.accessibility>hearing(?) (maybe?), and that the test and software changes are professional level for correcting mild to moderate hearing loss. I'm sure you can google the instructions on the Apple web site.

By peter on Saturday, November 9, 2024 - 22:22

Just to make people aware, the hearing test is a bit unusual in terms of how it is done relative to how it is done with a professional audiologist.

Here was my experience.

The hearing test plays a tone three times in a row. You are asked to double tab the screen if you hear the tone.

The first time I did this, I waited for the 3 tones to sound and then performed a double tap.

The results came back indicating that I had a profound hearing loss (which I do not).

The next time I did the test, I performed the double tap while the 3 tones were playing. This came back with a very different result and wound up making only a slight adjustment to how the Airpods played.

In summary, the bottom line seems to be that you need to perform the double tap while the tones are still playing and not wait for the 3 tones to finish before confirming that you heard them. This can be a bit tricky to do since the 3 tones play together fairly quickly and by the time you realize you are hearing them and the time to perform the double tap you might have missed it. I was on the edge of my seat trying to perform the double tap as quickly as possible. But it did finally work.

Hope this helps others get an accurate result from the test.


By Ramy on Saturday, November 9, 2024 - 22:22

I added my Hearing test from 11 month ago,
but now, do not know if i should perform any extra steps?
from what i know, Airpods pro 2, can now make the necessary modifications to make me listen and use it as a hearing aid,
but will it happen in the transperiencey mode?
or what? and how can i be sure that it is now doing what i need it to do?

By Bruce Harrell on Saturday, November 9, 2024 - 22:22

I am certain Apple has a lot to say about it. Have you read any of what Apple says? "How to use air pod pro 2 for hearing aids with IOS 18" might be a good google search term to get going?

By Oliver on Saturday, November 9, 2024 - 22:22

I'm in the UK so don't get any of the new hearing aid features. I do have an audio gram and have it set on for hearing accommidations, media, phone and have switched on transparency, but I don't think it does anything for transparency. Not sure why. I was hoping for a little boost in the high end as that is where my age related hearing loss is.

I think there is a lot of confusion over the new hearing aid features and hearing accomidations which have been available for quite a while now.

By Michael Hansen on Saturday, November 9, 2024 - 22:22

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

Depending on where you live, the hearing aid features for AirPods Pro 2 may not be available. Here is an Apple Support article on using hearing health features for AirPods Pro 2. I don't have any personal experience with this so can't comment firsthand, but Apple Support articles are usually quite good in their level of detail.

By Ramy on Saturday, November 9, 2024 - 22:22

i set my region to USA, and i got the new 7b19 update,
how ever, i can not find the hearing assistance or something in my airpods pro2 on iphone,
this is why am asking here.
and i have my Iphone running 18.1.

By Oliver on Saturday, November 9, 2024 - 22:22

Setting region doesn't seem to work. I've also tried.

Also, for me at least, my hearing loss is pretty insignificant, just wanted something to help out the itch of tinitus so if your hearing loss isn't either mild or moderate, mild being above 25 DB, the hearing aid function doesn't work at all. My hope was it would enhance even slight hearing loss at certain frequencies, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

For those, like me, lucky enough to not have much loss at all, using the mimi app, creating an audio gram there and adding it to hearing accomidations for music and media listening, again not sure if it works with transparency, is going to be the best route, irrispective of whether the hearing health is available in your region.