Hi Guys, I hope you're doing good today. I'm wondering can I exit the Apple Developer Program that way I don't see the beta updates option when I go to software update settings? If so how can I do this? Thanks, Ayub
By allabtech, 10 November, 2024
Apple Beta Releases
Your Feedback is Important to Improving Accessibility on Apple platforms
Don't assume that Apple is aware of a bug or that your report won't make a difference - submitting bug reports directly to the company helps them reproduce and resolve the issue faster. Your report may provide crucial information. The more reports they receive, the higher the priority they give to fixing the bug.
If you're using a beta version, use the Feedback Assistant on your device to submit feedback and bug reports. If you're using a public release, follow the instructions on this page.
Go to setting, general, update, tap on it and slide to beta, tap on it and slide until you see off and tap on it, go back to general and it should work.
The same thing but for voiceover users.
Go to settings, general, software update, there should be a button on that screen called beta updates, double tap on that, then find off, double tap on that, then go back to the last screen with the back button and it should work, if not, then tap the on buttton then the off button then the back button, it's a bit fiddley but it's doable.