New 3D audio gaming tutorial series available

By Yuma Antoine Decaux, 17 July, 2017

App Development and Programming

Hi Everyone,

I am Yuma Antoine, the blind devver from OSeyeris. We are a lean startup from Brisbane, Australia, and I am happy to present a series of 18 podcast tutorials accompanied with example scenes which will focus on creating an engaging 3D environment using Apple's SceneKit framework.

The tutorials start from basic setup and testing on playground all the way through to advanced concepts such as entity/component systems, A.I, and advanced data structures to help you create an immersive world using 3D positional, binaural and layered as well as filtered audio throughout.

Here is the website, please go to the lab page which contains each different tutorial among other updates which advocate empowering blind and VI users in the areas of mobility, education and entertainment.

Also, as I am kind of new to podcasting, suggestions on our Facebook page are very welcome, as well as any feature or technique requests.

This is in line with a 3D world creation platform we are working on, and I would like the community to benefit from the understanding I have gathered through my 2 years testing and playing with every framework available to both IOS and OSX in conjunction with my uni work, appearances in hackathons and finding solutions for the many issues we have to be on point in terms of employability, ability to play with others over the internet or through local networks, as well as discussing the best approach to access A.R and V.R using the tools we have gathered.

Have a great day
