Is iOS Development accessible?

By Sajal Arora, 28 April, 2018

App Development and Programming

Hey all!
I have started learning iOS development lately and its really fun learning. Have developed couple of basic apps already and planning to go more deep into this field. But the question here is, is it worth getting into this field with gradual vision loss. Currently, I have low vision i.e. I can't use my mac without inverting colors and zooming and I am learning voiceOver daily. I tried voiceOver with Xcode 9, which I am finding really challenging to use but i know if I stick with it, I will probably get used to of it.

Its really confusing for me to make this decesion. I am not sure whether it is completely accessible or not. And, do blind iOS developers get a job? Can i build my carrier in this? And will it be for long term? Please suggest me.
