Creating an iOS app while being blind.

By Sean Terry, 29 November, 2012

App Development and Programming
Hi, Sean here. I am blind of course but I want to learn how to create an app for iOS. If anybody can post a guide on how to do this extensively! It would be very awesome! Thank you very much.



By Lucas Radaelli on Tuesday, December 18, 2012 - 23:15

As far as I know, there is just one blind person that program for iOs. I have already tried to start programing for the iOs platform, but every tutorial, book, article, just explains you how to build interfaces using the interface builder, which is not accessible to voiceover. It is possible to design the interfaces via code. Although I already could build some simple ones, to create advanced and useful interfaces via code, is something that I haven't mastered yet. Well, the best way to get started is to look at: And read the documentation. Reading the books, tutorials and etc is not worth, for the reasons that I said before.

By Jan on Tuesday, December 18, 2012 - 23:15

You may try the iPhone Cookbook of Erica Sadun. It is available on the iBooks Store and very accessible. The book is very old fashioned at the level of iOS 3 and Xcode 3. So, one has to be careful about deprecated and new methods. However, the book, while of course also introducing interface builder, most of the time gives you code examples for the tasks to solve. You can get a good overview about the basic principles. Once you got them, you can use Apple's iOS developer library to get all information you need. I learned iOS development with this book about a year ago on iOS 4. It might be harder now with all the changes of iOS 5 and 6, but i guess it is still doable. Good luck Jan

By Abha on Monday, September 18, 2017 - 23:15

Can we develop iPhone apps using iPhone? I don't have mac. What should i do?