A Sunny Side Up of Android

By Trenton Matthews, 28 December, 2024


Intro<!--</3>--> You're probably wondering: "Why The Title?" Android makes me hungry! Might as well make a space for myself among thy forum, just so it's easier to collect questions from people, and answer them in a more timely manner. And if anyone wants/needs for me to check on an apps accessibility with one of the screen readers available, I can share results here.



By Trenton Matthews on Thursday, January 2, 2025 - 22:10

Said list of devices include:

  1. Hisense Sero 7 Pro (Which ran Android 4.2.1 Jellybean)
  2. BLU Life One X 2016 (Running Android 5.1.1 Lollipop)
  3. Galaxy J7 2016 (Running Android 6.0.1 Mashmellow)
  4. LG K20+ (Running Android 7. Nougat)
  5. Galaxy S8 (Running Android 8 Oreo)
  6. Galaxy S10E (Running Android 9 Pie)
  7. Galaxy S23+ (Running Android 13 Upsidedown Cake)
  8. Galaxy Tab A9+ (Running Android 14 Vanilla Ice cream)

NB. Operating systems listed, are the ones that they originaly came with.

By Brian on Thursday, January 2, 2025 - 22:10

Were there no Android devices running these particular versions of AndroidOS from the start? Or am I missing something?

By Trenton Matthews on Thursday, January 2, 2025 - 22:10

I never had the S20 through S22, thus why I didn't list those. All of them though, did release with said OS variance ya listed above.

By Brian on Thursday, January 2, 2025 - 22:10

I know Android has come along way. I had my first Android device, an LG Optimus, back in 2010. Got that from MetroPCS, which I believe is part of T-Mobile these days. Anyways, that one was running version 2.2 (frozen yogurt). Later I joined T-Mobile, and owned two HTC glaciers, I think that is correct, and those were both running ice cream sandwich, forget the version numbers on those.
I remember thinking the accessibility was horrible on the Optimus, but was pretty decent on the HDC, because back then the Android devices still had physical buttons on the face, and this particular model not only had the buttons, but had a little thumb joystick that you could use to control the cursor. Made for some sweet accessibility.
They're also used to be a third-party screen reader, I forget the name exactly, but I think it was something like "Spiel". I remember, at the time, thinking it was better than talkback, because it numbered lists, like one out of two, etc., etc., and just did an overall better job of actually reading things properly on the screen. At least in my admittedly limited experience with screen reader technology at the time.

Then I got an iPhone in mid 2012, and have not really looked at Android at all, until last year when my friend upgraded her Pixel 6 to a Pixel 8 pro. By then I believe Android 14 was out, and she let me spend an afternoon playing with her new Pixel device.

I have kind of wanted a Pixel ever since ...

Granted I have missed a lot between 2012 and 2023, but the state of accessibility on AndroidOS has really, really come a long way.

Bottom line, I am very interested in these threads, and want to learn as much as I can about Android overall, because more likely than not, my next "iPhone" will be an Android. ๐Ÿคจ

By Trenton Matthews on Thursday, January 2, 2025 - 22:10

Although I myself prefer Samsung, Pixels with the right apps work well! I sadly never owned an Android from that far back (referring to Gingerbread & Frozen Yogurt.) Spiel was indeed the name of that open source screen reader. Besides TalkBack & Jieshuo, I am using a screen reader called Prudence , and it ain't bad for an updated version of TalkBack! Even though it acts more like TalkBack 12.2 in some spots, it does bring a Jieshuo-like Virtual Screen feature to TalkBack (which Google's TalkBack doesn't have, and definitely not Samsungs at the moment.) NB. I currently do not have the OneUI 7.0 beta on my S23+ as its not available for it yet. I'm also on T-Mobile. It's the lavender color-way.

By Brian on Thursday, January 9, 2025 - 22:10

Is there a list somewhere online, for all of the gestures for the Prudence screen reader? I am very curious about this piece of software.

By Trenton Matthews on Sunday, January 12, 2025 - 22:10

Sadly no (at least not in English.) Though many of the gestures are based off of TalkBack's default ones. Physical keyboard gestures do exist, though are not assigned by default, since ya can use most keystroke combinations (besides capslock). Commentary won't let ya use Capslock as a modifier either, sadly. I wonder if reaching out to the Prudence folks via one of the social media spots Here

By Brian on Sunday, January 12, 2025 - 22:10

one day I will have my Pixel, and will have to get PSR and CSR, of course. I am really interested in seeing what all I can do with that monster. ๐Ÿ˜ˆ