Youtube Skip Ad button

By Mr Bodangles, 20 February, 2024

Accessibility Advocacy

Hi all,

I just wanted to ask whether Youtube has been approached about how inaccessible the Skip Ad button is on videos. I find it so frustrating to find where the stupid skip ad button is especially on the Ipad. There is no logic to its placement at times and I am sure it moves around and is in different places for different ads. I was a premium account holder paying a monthly subscription but I stopped that when they started cancelling peoples channels and dealing with this button is just annoying.

Google Youtube pull your finger out, you are supposed to be leaders in accessibility.



By Siobhan on Saturday, March 9, 2024 - 22:31

It works on the Mac, and thank heavens they stopped that stupid new, new new, junk they were doing where you had to wait eons for it to STFU. anyway here's how i get around this. Start a video as normal. Then, if your focus is placed say near a comment, try to find the part of the screen where it says things like notifications, account setting etc. Then if you either explore or swipe, try both since i don't know which will work, until you hear either the pause keyboard shortcut button, or are a bit past that. The skip add button should be in that general area. as i said, I don't have an iPad to confirm this, but if I go to the notifications and move around the screen, I can find the button a bit easier. If this doesn't work, I'm sorry.

By SeasonKing on Saturday, March 9, 2024 - 22:31

I suppose it's just about implementing escape key function accross apps, but google is terrible in doing it. I hate finding that top left corner button. Why can't the usual jesture work?

By Ekaj on Saturday, March 9, 2024 - 22:31

VoiceOver has picked up this button on my current Mac and my first Mac, most of the time. I'm not sure what's going on. Perhaps YouTube has gotten too big for their own good or something. I've never used it on iOS though.

By Yvonnezed on Saturday, March 9, 2024 - 22:31

It's not that hard most of the time on the ipad. The way I do it is, start the video. Then, while it's playing, find the video title. This is usually, well, in the middle of the screen, under the player controls. With a bit of practice you should be able to hit it most of the time. Anyway, find it, and lift your finger so it's the focus. When the ipad says you can skip the add, swipe left and it should say skip add.

I think this is right, anyway, it's so subconscious that it's a little hard to describe, but that's the problem for me with the ipad in general. I just know where controls are these days, without really thinking.

By Ahmed on Saturday, March 9, 2024 - 22:31

Hello for my use case when I’m watching YouTube videos I prefer to use YouTube via a WebBrowser that has adblocking built into the browser itself to when I watch YouTube videos not a single advertisement or tracker loads

By Ash Rein on Saturday, March 9, 2024 - 22:31

I know it’s expensive for a lot of people. But I have no interest in watching advertisements. I will happily pay for YouTube premium, and there are literally no ads except the ads that the video creators discuss

By Sebby on Saturday, March 9, 2024 - 22:31

Yes, its expensive because it essentially bundles a music subscription too. If it were limited to just no ads, maybe I'd consider. However, now of course you must log in to YouTube. So Google still gets to follow you around, but now with your permission. Sigh. Can't win, but honestly, I might just bite. The ads on YouTube really are making everything terrible, particularly the readily identifiable scams. Just sad.

By Brian on Saturday, March 9, 2024 - 22:31

Disclaimer: I am unsure if Duck Duck Go is viable on Windows.

If you are on macOS, download the Duck Duck Go browser. Besides being decent for ad blocking on traditional websites, and having a builtin VPN, it also has a really nice, and simplistic, media player.

Oh, and no ads. Ever.

And no I do not pay for YouTube Premium. I am dirty like that. . . .

By PaulMartz on Saturday, March 9, 2024 - 22:31

It's fairly easy to find the skip button on Mac using the Item Chooser. Press VO+I, type "skip", and arrow down past Skip Navigation. The next item is the button you're looking for.

That's the ideal case. In practice, it's a bit more challenging.

One. Some videos don't let you skip ads for some amount of time, so you have to launch the Item Chooser multiple times before the skip button appears.
Two. Some YouTube pages have a lot of content, and the Item Chooser can be sluggish to load.
Three. The button used to be labeled "skip ad". A few months ago, they shortened it to "skip". Why? Just to slow us down, apparently, because I had to do a double-take and navigate around, all while the stupid video is playing, before I was confident I was on the correct button.

Tip: If you don't know YouTube keyboard shortcuts, press K to pause the video while you search for the skip button.

I wouldn't call YouTube's skip button inaccessible. But I think you're dealing with the combination of two poor designs. Apple's design of dragging your finger around a screen, and YouTube's choice to place the skip button where and when it wants. Together, they result in a user interface that is challenging at best for visual impairments.

By Brad on Saturday, March 9, 2024 - 22:31

I tried it and tonnes of buttons are unlabeled, I'd not recommend it.

By Brian on Saturday, March 9, 2024 - 22:31

Fair enough. It is very accessible and user friendly on macOS. Shame it is not so much on Windows. ☹