using jaws 14 with the latest version of itunes

By raymond lombardi, 8 November, 2014

Accessibility Advocacy

Is there a way I can set iTunes to work a bit better with Jaws 14.0.9002?
The reason I ask is because I got the latest version of iTunes and I'm having trouble finding where everything is.
Any help would be appreciated.




By Roxann Pollard on Tuesday, November 18, 2014 - 23:07

Hello Raymond:

The F6 and shift plus F6 keystrokes are now your best friend in iTunes. This will navigate between say the playlist area and the listview where the songs reside.

Also, the Source Listview is still there but JAWS is now reporting it as a treeview, instead. In order to locate this, you will listen for JAWS to report "music Treeview". If JAWS reports "music treeview read only" then you will know that you haven't yet located the Source Listview yet.

Finally, if you will check the radio button for playlists, you will see much more of the column browser, which was removed in the latest release of iTunes.