Looking for a few interview subjects to give their opinion

By Sarah, 12 May, 2021

Accessibility Advocacy

Hi there! I am an abled user experience designer who is mentoring another designer in my field. She is working on a project that would help other UX Designers incorporate accessibility better into their design process. In other words, we want to make a product that helps designers think about accessibility first and foremost when designing new apps, websites, or physical technology.

We're looking for one or two people to spare 10-15 minutes to give their opinion on her idea so far. Ideally looking for someone with an impairment of any kind, who uses accessibility modifications regularly. If you're interested, please reply or send me a direct message with your contact information so we can schedule a time to talk. We'd really appreciate your insight.




By Andy Lane on Sunday, May 30, 2021 - 22:55

Hi, I’m a little surprised you haven’t received any offers yet but if I can help in any way I’d be happy to. I’ve been a user of accessibility products since childhood so if thats of any use to you send me a quick e-mail at andylanesemail@gmail.com

By Daniel Angus M… on Sunday, May 30, 2021 - 22:55

I am happy to help. I've been using screen readers since 2000 first with JAWS which I was trained on, and in 2009, I thought myself VoiceOver on a Mac. I wish AppleVis was around then! send me an email at Daniel.angus.macdonald@gmail.com if that's any use.

By Khushi on Sunday, May 30, 2021 - 22:55

can you give more details? like how will you interview people? via email? kinda questionnaire? or talking..
a little curious.
hope you don't mind.

By mmote on Sunday, May 30, 2021 - 22:55

Hello. I work in the accessibility field, and have used accessibility products for over 25 years now. If you're interested in contacting me, reach out at miketmote73@gmail.com. Good luck with your project.