Learning greeck using VoiceOver,

By Lielle ben simon, 14 September, 2024

Accessibility Advocacy

Hi, I'm blind and want to learn therd language.
I thoght learnin new lanuage.
There are problems with VoiceOver in greeck language?
I'll be happy to know aboute Braille and TTS.



By Klemens on Wednesday, September 18, 2024 - 22:19


I’m the developer of Study Snacks, an app for playful (language) learning. It’s fully accessible via VoiceOver.

It does not yet include vocabulary lists for learning Greek, but you can add your own. You can either create them directly in the app or import them from Google Sheets by creating a two column list there and export them as a CSV.

I know it’s not exactly what you are looking for, but maybe better than nothing!

Check it out, it’s free to download!

By Tara on Wednesday, September 18, 2024 - 22:19

If you've got an iPhone, the eSpeak Greek voice is the best for a complete beginner because it annunciates the stress correctly. The vocalizer voices sound natural but they have some problems with not putting the stress where the written accent is. I'm presuming you mean modern Greek, as in the Greek spoken today in Greece, as opposed to ancient Greek. Ancient Greek I have no idea about, but eSpeak does have a voice for it. As for braille, when Greek is written in braille, the tonos (the written accent) isn't usually included by default because it's assumed native speakers know where the stress falls. Maybe you can change this in a braille table or settings or something. Not knowing where the written accent is in a word is an issue for learners because you then don't know where to put the stress. If you're using a mac, I think you can get the Acapela voices. The Acapela Greek voice is the best voice I've heard for Greek.