We are pleased and excited to announce that David Woodbridge has agreed to join the AppleVis Editorial Team.
As you might have read, we recently posted that we were looking for an experienced Mac user to join our Team and to help develop the Mac-specific areas of the website.
David is certainly well-equipped for the challenge, as he brings with him a wealth of knowledge and experience - he works with Apple in Australia as an accessibility consultant, presents at conferences on accessibility of Apple products, works on the Vision Australia Helpdesk where he provides support for all Apple products, is a beta tester for both OS X and iOS, and has worked with developers on improving accessibility of iOS and Mac apps.
Having read that, we are sure you will all understand why we are thrilled to welcome him to our small team. Our only concern is wondering where he is going to find time to fit anything else into his day! <smile>
David, we welcome you to our Team, and look forward to working together to make the AppleVis website an even more valuable resource for the community.
By AppleVis, 12 June, 2012