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iOS 13 was released to the public on 19 September, 2019. This post contains details of the VoiceOver and braille bugs which we believe to have been introduced in iOS 13; as well as details of the pre-existing bugs which we believe have been resolved.

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iOS 14 and iPadOS 14 have been released to the public. This post contains details of the VoiceOver, low vision, and braille bugs which we believe have been introduced in these releases; as well as details of the pre-existing bugs which we believe to be resolved.

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iOS 15 and iPadOS 15 have been released to the public. This post contains details of the VoiceOver, low vision, and braille bugs which we believe have been introduced in these releases; as well as details of the pre-existing bugs which we believe to be resolved.

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Apple has released iOS 16 to the public. This post contains details of the VoiceOver, low vision, and Braille bugs which we believe have been introduced in this release; as well as details of the pre-existing bugs which we believe to be resolved.

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As members of the AppleVis Editorial team, we are often asked, “What apps would you recommend?” Or, “What are your favorite apps?” With this in mind, here is an alphabetical listing (navigable by headings at level 3) of the top 10 iOS apps from several of our editorial team members, along with links to the rellavent AppleVis App Directory entries, if available:


1. Newsify ~ Google Reader RSS News Client 2.
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While most of us have no doubt updated our iOS devices and Macs, there are no doubt users who prefer not to update for many reasons. While updating is an individual decision, I wanted to focus on what may happen if a person doesn’t update.

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As the number of active Apple devices increases, so too do the different choices that the consumer has. The latest offering from Apple is the new iPhone SE 2020. This iPhone is a mix of the old and new: it retains the build size of the iPhone 8, but has the new A13 Bionic chip offered in the iPhone 11 series. It offers Bluetooth 5.0, but retains the Home button, which also includes Touch ID.

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This review was completed after 10 days of use. Most of my comparison will be with the iPhone SE 2, since that was the phone I had been using previously. For the sake of clarity, when referring to the previous generation of iPhone SE released in 2020, it will be referred to as the iPhone SE 2. Apple refers to the current model of iPhone SE simply by that name. This was also true of the first and second generation.

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It was a shocker. When Google announced that Google Reader will shut down on July 1st, apart from the usual cycle of disvelief and sorrow the first thing which came to my mind was what to use after Google Reader's demise. On the one hand, Google Reader provides an easy way to read RSS feeds in a synchronyzed way regardless of one's platform of choice.

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Yes, it's too big a dilemma to be ignored by VoiceOver users. While sighted iOS users can easily rely on app reviews to determine if an application works the way they want, VoiceOver users should solely rely on websites such as AppleVis -- the most comprehensive repository of app reviews from the viewpoint of the visually impaired, a couple of email lists and the very occasional mention of VoiceOver support on the App Store before making a purchase.

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Hello AppleVis community. It's been some time since I blogged. Other writing tasks have occupied my time. But the real reason I haven't blogged is because bugs are getting me down.

I could remain silent about the bugs as I've been doing for the past seven months. Or I could post a rant on the forum. But ultimately, I decided to approach the topic with some seasonal levity. So if you can read this blog as constructive criticism and humor, then join me on a merry sleigh ride through the Twelve Bugs of Christmas.

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I absolutely love working this way! I am sitting in my living room comfy chair and happily writing my first AppleVis blog. All the computer I need is right here. My iPhone 5S is in my shirt pocket, my Apple ear pods are where they belong, and my Logitech Bluetooth Keys-To-Go keyboard is cool and light on my lap. Except for taking my guide dog outside for another break, I cannot think of a single good reason to get up.

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Take the Size Difference with a Grain of Salt

There is a very slight difference in the thickness of the iPhone 6S when compared to the 6. And because it's thicker, just like with human beings, that means it weighs slightly more. However, until I held the 6s in one hand and the 6 in another, I couldn't really tell that there was a difference in the weight or girth of the phone. Take this with a grain of salt then, quite literally, as that's about the difference in thickness between the 2 devices.

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While upgrading to a new version of iOS is often exciting, it can also prove to be very, very frustrating - because of the time the process takes and especially when things don’t go so well.

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When Apple announced the iPhone 5, I told myself I wouldn’t do it—that I wouldn’t buy one.

And yet, there I found myself walking out of my local AT&T Store on launch day, a 64 GB iPhone 5 in my pocket.

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Much as I love VoiceOver and everything it has done for me, at times, it doesn't quite behave as I'd like it to. Those are the times when I think VoiceOver should be put on Santa's naughty list. Sometimes, it gets distracted, like the time when I was editing a document in pages on my iPad, and VoiceOver kept getting excited about the page thumbnails. Yes, VoiceOver, I'm aware that page thumbnails exist, and I'm sure they're the most awesomely amazing thing ever, but can we please stop jumping to them and stay focused on the document? I'll have to turn them off to remove the temptation.

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Hello everyone, We want to make sure that all iTouch 5th Generation device owners know there have been reports of problems updating to iOS 6.1. Unfortunately, one of our team members was unable to update their iPod Touch 5th Generation to iOS 6.1 using iTunes, eventually leaving the device in an unusable state. There are many more users that are also experiencing this problem.
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The Braille Institute recently released a new app, ViA (Visually Impaired Apps), that lists other apps developed specifically for people who are blind or visually impaired. Even before I finished reading the app's AppleVis entry (, I thought to myself, "Why are they reinventing the wheel?" The blind community already has mailing lists, podcasts, and--of course--AppleVis. Do we really need an app to help us sort through other apps?
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If the title of the article sounds flatulent -- something like a slogan borrowed from the Madison Avenue, I encourage you to take a look at Voice Dream Reader on the App Store -- its AppleVis entry is also here. In short, many ebook readers come and go, many apps of that sort are born and quickly vanish into the thin air, many of them are released and then take ages to get a second, minor update, but

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Well, had it not been for the unusability of many Reference apps, I'd have mentioned this first. Any decent and feature-rich screen reader should provide a pronunciation editor. All TTS engines have their own pronunciation problems or quirks and VoiceOver's TTS engine (called Nuance Vocalizer) is no exception to the rule.