Announcing the Departures of Jamie Pauls and Lisa Salinger from the AppleVis Editorial Team

By AppleVis, 14 June, 2017

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

It is with regret that we must announce the departures of Jamie Pauls and Lisa Salinger from the AppleVis Editorial Team.

Since joining the Team, both Jamie and Lisa have seen changes to their personal circumstances which have resulted in them not being able to devote the time and energy to AppleVis that they had originally desired and anticipated; thus, Jamie and Lisa have decided independently that the time has come where they need to step aside from their voluntary and unpaid roles with AppleVis so that they can focus on the demands, commitments and opportunities which—quite understandably—currently need to be the priority for their available time and energy.

We would like to express our sincere and heartfelt appreciation to Jamie and Lisa for their time on the AppleVis Editorial Team and all that they were able to contribute to our community. With Their knowledge; experience; and expertise; we are very confident that they will continue to be popular and respected voices in the areas of blindness, technology, and wherever else their future paths take them.

It is likely that we will look to add one or two new faces to the AppleVis Editorial Team to fill the gap created by Jamie's and Lisa's departures. If this does prove to be the case, we will post a public call for applications in due course. So, if this is a potential opportunity that might interest you, please watch AppleVis for an announcement and begin thinking about what you could bring to the Team and our community.




By gailisaiah on Tuesday, June 20, 2017 - 19:58

I've enjoyed podcasts from Jamie and Lisa. I hope they will still post to Applevis and be a part of this community when they can. Prayers and best wishes to both of them!

By SoundSchemer on Tuesday, June 20, 2017 - 19:58

I know that no matter where Jamie and Lisa go, they'll definitely find more people to assist and encourage. To Jamie and Lisa, thanks for the great podcasts, and all the great work you both do.

By Ekaj on Tuesday, June 20, 2017 - 19:58

Ditto from me. Lisa and Jamie, best of luck to you both in your future endeavors.

By Rocker on Tuesday, June 20, 2017 - 19:58

Not to be too crass but, did they shack up? Did the shack up produce a Shacklett?? LOL! Anyhow, I was not a big fan of Jamies intros but Lisa is a star of monumental proportions in my view! Poking fun aside, good luck to you both! Peace out!

By JTran2013 on Tuesday, June 20, 2017 - 19:58

I have enjoyed Jamie's and Lisa's podcasts and contributions to the Apple Vis community! I wish Jamie and Lisa the best! I'll miss Jamie and Lisa!

By cowbunny on Tuesday, June 20, 2017 - 19:58

All of us here working on Timecrest have really enjoyed working with Jamie Pauls over the last year through podcasts and interviews. Good luck to Jamie and Lisa on your future endeavors!

By rachel on Tuesday, June 20, 2017 - 19:58

Wishing Jamie and Lisa all the very best for the future. I have always thoroughly enjoyed their podcasts - very interesting and informative. All the best.

By Melissa Roe on Sunday, August 20, 2017 - 19:58

Jamie and Lisa's contributions to both Applevis and the blind community as a whole have been invaluable, and must not go unnoticed. Thank you both for your podcasts with an abundant amount of resources for all of us. I also want to extend my best wishes to the remaining members of the Applevis team while they select new members to fill the gap. Jamie, Lisa, your voices will be missed on this podcast. Good luck to you both, and don't be strangers.