Description of App is a cloud-based virtual mail and business address service. Travelers, students, military personnel or anyone who would like to access their postal mail via their computer or smart-phone can leverage the virtual mail service. Business clients can set up a virtual business address by using one of the premium physical address locations to set up a Corporation, set up an LLC, market their company, attract international clientèle and maintain privacy.
Accessibility Comments
Many buttons lack proper labels. For example, a more menu will have the text description of, down arrow, or Ellipsis, Or, in one case I found, describing the actual checkbox as a posed to just having a checkbox element, going as far to say it was a checkbox 1 centimeters high. Focus appears to not be an issue, especially when viewing scanned mails contents. The only way to export important scanned mail as PDF's you want to keep is through the app, because the website portion of saving PDF's is inaccessible. menus appear at the top of the screen, rather than opening up to their own pages. For example, the settings is a menu on top of the main navigation. Arrows and symbols dominate the app, so you need to understand basic internet shapes. For example, a down arrow indicates there is actions behind a sub menu.